I apologize in advance, because this article is a rather long read. I try to keep things short and sweet whenever I can, but the more that I researched this, the more intriguing I found it to be. I have more research to do, but here’s what I have to share so far.
You can always tell what the Democrats are up to. All you have to do is look carefully at what they are accusing others of, and then dig around a bit, and you discover what the Dems have going on.
Take, for instance, the latest theory being bandied about by the libs and the MSM. Joe Biden told the Daily Show that his single greatest concern is that President Trump will “try to steal this election.”
If Trump refuses to leave, Biden says that the military would intervene: “I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”
So two things. There WILL be election fraud and the left is preemptively accusing Trump of being the cheater. Either way the election turns out, Trump will catch hell.
If Trump wins, it’s because he cheated. “We told you so!”. Think about all the fake polls, all showing Biden’s “lead” over Trump growing every week. “Look at what the polls said! There’s no way Trump could have won! He cheated!”
There will be recounts and accusations and investigations and lawsuits for years.
If Trump loses, and he and the DOJ have proof of fraud and cheating, Trump may well refuse to concede. (Remember 2016, when Trump, in a debate, would not guarantee that he would accept the election results. Even then, he knew something was up.) That’s when the Democrats will call on the military to remove Trump.
And, as we have seen recently, there are enough corrupt members in the upper echelons of the various military branches (we’ll discuss why below) that the Democrat’s call for military support or intervention may well be heeded. It’s already starting to sound like Cuba or Venezuela.
Another accusation by the libs is that Trump is ‘firing all of the good people in government, all of our experienced career administrative personnel’. ‘Trump is putting in people that will obey him.’ ‘Trump has corrupted the DOJ.’ It’s a constant drumbeat.
The truth, again, is the exact opposite. Obama spent 8 years stacking every agency with anti-American traitors. And that’s in addition to all of the other deep staters that had been put in place by two Bush and one Clinton administration.
From St. Paul Research:
[There exists] a most powerful three-letter agency in government. In fact, it’s so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag. It’s tentacles reach deep into every other agency. Most Americans have no idea it even exists.
Sounds almost unbelievable, right? But we’d better believe it. The Agency under discussion is The Senior Executive Service, or “SES”. The SES was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.
It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest in an effort to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.
A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”
The SES was to be a corps of non-partisan, career managers who serve as the executive management of federal agencies.
From the Office of Personnel Management / SES (OPM.gov) website.
Members of the SES serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. SES members are the major link between these appointees and the rest of the Federal workforce. They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies.
On December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls, then-President Barack Obama signed one of his infamous executive orders. That executive order allowed Obama to achieve a “complete transformation of America.”
Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.
That purge began by transforming the almost unknown federal agency, the SES, into an army of anti-American, deep state, world government operatives hidden deep within the government. The present day SES has been described as a private, stay behind army. An army of political operatives disloyal to the President and the Nation.
Recall that on July 2nd, 2008—Obama delivered a speech in Boulder, Colorado in which he promised the creation and establishment of a “Civilian National Security Force.”
There are more than 2 million federal government employees. And at the top of that pyramid are approximately 8,000 SES (Senior Executive Service) employees who serve as the professional managerial class.
Barack Obama as president, replaced more than 6,000 members of the 8,000-member SES during his two terms, assembling what became a stay-behind army of political operatives.
Here’s a list of the number of SES employees that were embedded by Obama in the following government agencies at the end of Obama’s 2nd term in 2016:
- Department of Education – 86
- Department of Housing & Urban Development – 115
- Department of the Air Force – 182
- Department of Labor – 200
- Department of State – 204
- Department of Transportation – 231
- Department of Interior – 258
- Department of the Army – 261
- Department of the Navy – 326
- Department of Veterans Affairs – 357
- Department of Agriculture – 361
- Department of Commerce – 425
- Department of the Treasury – 458
- Department of Health & Human Services – 468
- Department of Defense – 478
- Department of Energy – 490?
- Department of Homeland Security – 639
- Department of Justice – 821
- All Other Agencies (all non-Cabinet level agencies) – 1,796
Obama also gutted the loyal members of our Military. Obama’s purge of the military was extremely damaging to our national security. His purge of our Military included:
- 9 Senior Commanding Generals
- 2 Nuclear Commanders
- 197 high ranking Senior, General and Flag Officers
- thousands of noncommissioned officers
Think of all of the active, retired or fired Obama appointed officers that are now openly criticizing The President of the United States and his policies. Think of the Vindman twins that played a key role in the impeachment attempt.
One glaring example of Obama’s purge was the firings of U.S. Army General Carter Ham and Rear Admiral Chuck Gaouette.
General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.”
Then there was Obama’s takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that are slowly being cleaned out but still pose a threat to America today.
Let’s not think that Obama was ever some kind of political genius, that these were his ideas and accomplishments.
Barack Obama was not the architect of these changes, merely the front-man in charge of carrying them out as the Deep State and Shadow Government’s placeholder president.
And that’s the root of President Trump’s problems.
The Deep State cannot afford to have an outsider, one not under their control, become president. And Donald J. Trump is definitely an outsider who is not under their control.
And so that’s what triggered everything that’s been thrown at President Trump. The Deep State tried to rig the election in favor of Hillary. That didn’t work. THE PEOPLE came out and elected Donald J. Trump. That kicked off Plan B, the “Insurance Policy”. The Impeachment.
Nothing the left has done has succeeded in removing Trump from office. He’s still President and he’s running for reelection. If you read just the MSM headlines for the past year, it’s obvious that the left’s desperation is growing. They no longer hide their intentions. They want Trump gone and they will burn down and bankrupt and infect the country in order to accomplish their goal and regain total power and control.
The Deep Stat will no longer allow you to choose a President. They will bully, imprison, financially ruin and kill anyone in their way. If they have to, they will kill me and they will kill your family and they will kill you. They will drag Trump out of The Whitehouse irregardless of how the election turns out. There is no longer a peaceful solution possible.