In related news, science has proven that water is wet and shit runs downhill. In a new study, researches have come to the shocking conclusion that blue states (democrat land) are much less patriotic than red states (real America). Liberals say they believe in science and they hate this country, so there will be no outrage from the left on this one. In fact, some of these blue states may boast of these findings in their visitors centers: New Jersey hates America more than any other state!
Don’t ask why but for some reason WalletHub conducted a survey to determine the most and least patriotic states. I can’t wait for the GrubHub study on religious devotion.
These are the metrics they used to come to their conclusions:
Average Military Enlistees per 1,000 Civilian Adults Between 2013 & 2018 (No Prior Service)
Veterans per 1,000 Civilian Adults
Active-Duty Military Personnel per 100,000 Civilian Adults
Share of Civilian Adult Population in Military Reserves
Share of Adults Who Voted in 2016 Presidential Election
Share of Adults Who Voted in 2016 Primary Elections
Volunteer Rate
Volunteer Hours per Resident
AmeriCorps Volunteers per Capita
Peace Corps Volunteers per Capita
Trial- & Grand-Jury Participation per Civilian Adult Population
Share of Residents Who Participate in Groups or Organizations (Civic Life)
Civics Education Requirement
They probably should have also measured how many government-sanctioned anti-cop riots, how many statutes pulled down, and how many American flags are flying in front of houses, but they never asked me what I thought.
Without further ado, here are the top 10 most patriotic states:
1. New Hampshire
2. Wyoming
3. Idaho
4. Alaska
5. Maryland
6. Utah
7. North Dakota
8. Wisconsin
9. Minnesota
10. South Carolina
Maryland is the only blue state (bluish) to make the top 10. Here are the bottom ten with a couple of surprises:
41. Illinois
42. Michigan
43. Connecticut
44. New Mexico
45. Florida
46. West Virginia
47. Texas
48. California
49. New York
50. New Jersey
WalletHub’s startling conclusion: Red taste are more patriotic than blue states.
The bottom 3 of NJ, NY, and Cali is not shocking but it is kind of a surprise to see solid-red states like Texas and Florida in the dumper. The only explanation I have for that is that Texas and Florida are among the most populated states so they can be red and still have a ton of America-hating leftists.
In fact, California, Texas, Florida, New York, and Illinois are the 5 most populous states in the country. It’s kind of disturbing that they all placed in the bottom ten of most patriotic states. About one third of all people in this country live in these 5 states. Obviously densely populated urban areas are full of people who don’t care very much about the greatest country that ever existed.
These qualifiers WalletHub has chosen aren’t the best gauge of patriotism. I’ve never served in the military, nor have I volunteered for AmericaCoprs or the Peacecorps. I do vote and I have volunteered locally. I’m a Ninja when it comes to getting out of jury duty. I actually would serve on a jury, but they always try to get me serve in the ghetto, which is not my community and a dangerous pain in the ass to do.
The point is, I’m a very patriotic American. I love this country. I pay my taxes, obey the law, and volunteer in my community. I’m also a legal gun owner and maybe that should have been one of the metrics: % of legal gun owners per capita is a pretty good indicator of patriotism.
Either that or look at he number of registered democrats per capita. Democrats hate this country so the more of them in a state, the less patriotic that state is.