Good morning Deplorables, now even NASCAR has bent a knee to the devils.
Fake Noose – The NASCAR Bubba Wallace “Rope Noose” Was a Purposeful Hoax… https://t.co/KUKutlyaKC
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) June 23, 2020
Fake Noose – The NASCAR Bubba Wallace “Rope Noose” Was a Purposeful Hoax…
By Sundance/The Conservative Treehouse
Throughout the late evening and overnight hours we have been able to assemble definitive proof the NASCAR story of a noose hanging in the garage of drive Bubba Wallace is a hoax. [Background Here]
When the race team of Bubba Wallace arrived at Talladega Speedway in Alabama, he was assigned to garage stall #4. After reviewing prior video of that specific garage bay, at that specific speedway; and after reviewing a picture released yesterday showing the FBI investigators on the scene; it is clear the “rope noose” in question was nothing more than a manual garage door pull-down with a hand loop tied into it.
As you can see, the portion of the rope that shows the hand loop (aka “noose) in 2019 was cut off in 2020. The rope did not break, it was cut. The question then becomes was this a mistaken interpretation or an intentional effort to create the appearance of targeted hate?
The answer to that question becomes clear when you look at the same rope on the adjacent stall, #5. A full picture (shown below) shows the pull-down rope on the stall next to Bubba Wallace also contained a hand loop tied into it. However, it is clear from the kinks in the rope the hand loop was untied. Likely by the same person who cut-off the “noose” on stall #4 being used by Bubba Wallace’s crew.
It appears the hand loop (“noose”) in garage stall #5 was untied in order to facilitate the perpetuation of the claim for the hand loop (“noose”) cut-off in Wallace’s stall #4.
A review of the exact garage bay/stall in November 2019, six months prior to the arrival of Mr. Bubba Wallace’s team, shows the hand loop as it most likely existed when the team arrived:
Is Bubba Wallace Rope Noose a Hoax or Misunderstanding? All Talladega Garage Doors Have Nooses – NASCAR Video Evidence… https://t.co/jFNFyITCPP
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) June 23, 2020
That is the “hand loop” that was cut from the manual garage door rope and presented by the team of Bubba Wallace and NASCAR as evidence of a “noose”. This simple garage pull-down is what all of the racial stories have surrounded.
Read the entire article HERE.
Ned Ryun: Ready or not, the fight is coming to your communities, your schools, your workplaces, and your places of worship. https://t.co/Vgssy2zLyG https://t.co/enyPdffb85
— American Greatness (@theamgreatness) June 22, 2020
Never Bend the Knee
Via American Greatness
Ready or not, the fight is coming to your communities, your schools, your workplaces, and your places of worship.
Recently, I posted a meme on Twitter showing a large idol with “BLM” on it, people bowing down before the idol labeled “woke evangelicals,” and three men standing who are labeled “infidels.” Of course, the meme is based on the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Bible’s book of Daniel. These three men refused to bend the knee to a false idol. For that, they were labeled unbelievers by the ruling power and thrown into a pit of fire, yet miraculously they lived.
So we’re clear, I’m with the supposed infidels. The woke evangelicals can go pound sand. pic.twitter.com/lGu0s3vELp
— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) June 7, 2020
Some friends and family were not entirely sure what I meant by posting the meme—hence this essay.
Most evangelicals—in fact most Americans—have no idea that Black Lives Matter means something more than the basic and indisputable point that the lives of black people are precious. They don’t know what Black Lives Matter, the organization, actually is, what it stands for, or what it is trying to achieve. They don’t know that it is a Marxist political ideology cloaked in race, an Orwellian tactic if there ever was one.
People think that if you speak out against BLM, you are a racist who cares nothing for the lives of your fellow citizens if they are of a different race.
So let me make this abundantly clear: I care about the lives of my fellow man regardless of the color of his skin. My work has been focused on ensuring not only that every life matters, but that every voice is heard, and that every vote is counted.
In my personal journeys and public efforts, I have seen the challenges others face every day in schools, on the job, even at the ballot box, and I am here to tell you that BLM doesn’t truly care about bettering the lives of anyone—least of all the black community in the United States. It is far more concerned about pushing a radical ideology intended to harm the very people it claims to support because such an agenda keeps them up and operating and in business.
In short: they are traitors to the cause so many believe they espouse.
So what is Black Lives Matter, really? BLM was founded by three Marxist women in 2013. Alicia Garza, one of the founders, is a writer and activist who resides in Oakland, California. She is a self-proclaimed Marxist and “queer social justice activist” who makes no bones about admiring other Marxists and the Black Panthers.
In a September 2016 interview with Complex.com, Garza claimed that the U.S. would be in a better place if we terminated the police. “Quite frankly,” she said, “many of our [BLM] members are continuing to investigate what it would mean to have police-free communities. I think what we’ve continued to see over time is that no moral appeal [to police] is actually stopping the deaths of black people [at the hands of police], whether they are armed or unarmed.”
Patrisse Cullors, another BLM founder, was trained in her activism by Eric Mann, a former Weather Underground member. In a December 2014 interview with The Feminist Wire, Cullors claimed she views Black Lives Matter as a means to push issues such as “decriminalizing Black lives,” “reducing law-enforcement budget,” and requiring that some police departments be “disbanded or abolished.” She’s also a supporter of the BDS movement, a deeply anti-Semitic movement that seeks to eradicate Israel.
Opal Tometi, the third founder of BLM, wrote an article in January 2015 titled “Celebrating MLK Day: Reclaiming Our Movement Legacy,” that advocated the formation of a radical contingent of “Black trans people, Black queer people, Black immigrants, Black incarcerated people and formerly incarcerated people, Black millennials, Black women, low-income Black people, and Black people with disabilities” to achieve social justice.
Black Lives Matter is not shy about what it wants to achieve. Its founders are very outspoken about it. They do not hesitate to proclaim their Marxism, or deny their hopes of disrupting “the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.” They also want to “foster a queer-affirming network.” They even go so far as to say, “When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).”
What’s important to understand about Black Lives Matter is that it should be viewed through the lens of Critical Race Theory, which, put simply, constitutes Lenin’s strategy of sowing discord. But instead of sowing it around class, it is applied here to the concept of race.
Read the entire article HERE.
White Jesus statues should be torn down, Black Lives Matters leader says https://t.co/rxrGvJvDoq
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) June 23, 2020
Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King says statues of Jesus Christ should be torn down
Via Newsweek
Writer and activist Shaun King announced Monday that he supports the destruction of statues that depict a white Jesus.
King, who has been an outspoken supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, tweeted his remarks on Monday. He noted that historians believe Jesus likely had the appearance of people who typically lived in the Middle East during his time, rather than the white man who is often depicted in Christian iconography.
“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” King tweeted. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.”
“In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark,” he added. “Tear them down.”
The comments quickly drew condemnation from some on the platform, including several prominent conservative figures.
King clarified that he was only advocating that statues of a white Jesus be torn down in response to a tweet from the account of PragerU, a nonprofit co-founded by conservative talk show host Dennis Prager.
He also remarked that stained glass windows and other images of a white Jesus, his white mother and “their white friends” should all be destroyed, insisting they are “racist propaganda” and “a gross form of white supremacy.”
Read the entire article HERE.
Manipulating America—The Chinese Communist Playbook
Via The Epoch Times
There is an invisible war raging in the world. Not a war fought with bullets and guns, but a war of manipulation.
It’s a war fought by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) against the free world using the full force of its propaganda and influence apparatus.
Not only does the CCP actively spread its propaganda to the West, it has even succeeded in dictating what can and cannot be said in free societies.
However, this growing influence has gone largely unnoticed. And by now, it has penetrated all levels of American society.
In this new age of information warfare, where a hostile foreign power is waging a war for our minds, what can be done?
In this new in-depth report, we explore China’s “Grand External Propaganda” campaign against America and the rest of the free world and reveal the playbook it uses.
Read the entire article/watch the video HERE.
The High Cost of Racializing Crime – Frontpagemag https://t.co/OnmM1TwH6h
— FrontPage Magazine (@fpmag) June 22, 2020
The High Cost of Racializing Crime
Via Front Page Magazine
There was a time when the black community demanded a crackdown on crime while white liberals in the cultural establishment glamorized the pushers and pimps that black ministers were fighting to get rid of at any cost. Ministers like these still exist, but they have been systematically shut out of the public discourse by Democrat officials who profit from malaise, not progress, and by activist groups who have long since learned that crime is what really pays.
Democrats and leftist activists, both black and white, have successfully racialized crime.
Black Lives Matter is what happens when you reduce civil rights to the rights of criminals
When a group moves on, its criminal class, organized or disorganized, gets left behind. That’s what happened to the Jewish gangsters or the rural bank robbers of the Depression. Glamorizing thugs as vital to the community and a source of pride can keep a criminal class, like the Mafia, around past its time. But celebrating organized crime is better than the alternative.
The most corrosive combination is embracing both organized and disorganized crime. When that happens then, as in parts of Latin America, gang members take over the culture.
Contrary to the convictions of both black and white supremacists, there’s little that is historically unique about black crime. Other minority groups have at times embraced a criminal class, and treated enforcement efforts as a form of bigotry, always to their own detriment. What is perhaps unique is the extent to which white liberals have embraced black criminals as a pet cause.
There was a time when the black community demanded a crackdown on crime while white liberals in the cultural establishment glamorized the pushers and pimps that black ministers were fighting to get rid of at any cost. Ministers like these still exist, but they have been systematically shut out of the public discourse by Democrat officials who profit from malaise, not progress, and by activist groups who have long since learned that crime is what really pays.
Democrats and leftist activists, both black and white, have successfully racialized crime.
Black Lives Matter is what happens when you reduce civil rights to the rights of criminals. And redefine the black experience around interactions with police and the criminal justice system.
The now familiar trope reduces all black people to criminals and the criminal justice system to an oppressive regime conspiring to keep black people down. The rhetoric isn’t new, but the lack of resistance to it, in the black community, among even moderate Democrats, and even a growing number of Republicans, may be truly historically unique. At least in American history.
Read the entire article HERE.
Washington Post Calls On Patriots To Change Offensive Name https://t.co/ZD5qxcCXOU
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) June 20, 2020
Washington Post Calls On Patriots To Change Offensive Name
Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Washington Post published an editorial today calling on the New England Patriots to change their team name due to its association with the United States of America.
The article called for the Patriots to change their team name immediately to something that doesn’t imply they are proud of their country.
“The negative associations with the horrible country of America should be left in the past,” the editorial board wrote. “This name is very offensive to austere religious scholars in other countries, liberals, and Canadians. We must call on the NFL to do better, to be better.”
“They must change the name to something that signals that they are not proud to live in this country.”
Suggestions for the new name included The New England Colonizers, The New England Oppressors, and The New England Sorry For Being Americans.
Read the entire article HERE.
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