Would you like to see a concert in Central Park? NYC Bill de Blasio says “get bent.” Interested in catching a Rangers game at Madison Square Garden? De Blasio says “blow it out your ass.” Would you like to attend the funeral of a loved one who died because NY forced COVID-19 patients into nursing homes? De Blasio invites you to suck his balls. If, however, you would like to loot, destroy property, and attack the police that’s fine. Mayor de Blasio has banned all gatherings with the exception of race riots, deeming them “too important” to cancel.
Yesterday, de Blasio ignored social distancing rules by rubbing asses with Al Sharpton to paint “Black Lives Matter” on the street in front of Trump Tower. Later he went on CNN to explain to Wolf Blitzer why some public gathers are allowed and others not.
“Big outdoor concerts and it means things like parades,” said de Blasio. “It could mean not just thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people. It’s just not time for that now.”
“What about protests if people want to march down Fifth Avenue are they going to be allowed to do so?” Blitzer asked.
Good question. It’s weird that it came from CNN, but it was probably part of the set up for this answer:
“This is always an area of real sensitivity. If you’re just talking about health we would say, ‘folks you know stay at home if you can.’ But we understand at this moment of history that people are talking about the need for historic changes,” started de Blasio.
In case you can’t tell, de Blasio is saying, “yes, riot all you want as long as it’s under the guise of ‘historic change.’” And just so you’re sure, he doubled down on it:
“Today, in New York City, recognizing the power and the meaning of the message Black lIves Matter, which we did in front of Trump Tower today. This is a historic moment of change. We have to respect that but also say to people, the kinds of gatherings we’re used to, the parades, the fairs, we just can’t have that while we’re focusing on health right now,” said de Blasio.
So no church, but mayhem and destruction are fine. That’s a hell of a way to run a city.
Hidden in this message of racial grievance hypocrisy is some very unscientific liberal nonsense. De Blasio is saying that the coronavirus cannot infect people if they are marching (rioting) for Black Lives Matter. He literally said because of “health” he will not allow public gatherings but that protests can go on because they’re too important and health is not a concern.
Even weirder, de Blasio like all liberals thinks that the coronavirus is racist and picks on people of color. If this is true, wouldn’t letting black people riot in the streets unnecessarily put them at risk? Maybe that’s the key here. Rioters can’t get sick because they are fighting to end racism and since the coronavirus is racist, their battle is defeating the disease.
I certainly hope that people remember this when they vote in November: Democrats prevent people from working or going to church but allow scumbags to loot and burn down cities. It’s the only issue that matters this election.