Deep Purple was such a great band. If their songs were played on any rock station today, and played as “a new band, new music”, they’d be a hit. They’ve stood the test of time.
I think any Pirate Rock ‘n’ Roll band would dig it. Any LAMP and Track Man would groove to Deep Purple. And Raptor Keeper and her Tomohawk Weilding nestmate, and Orphan, and EDQ, and Donna, and Peter and Dean and Navyvet and Huntersgirl and Chisum and 726 and henderson and Mr. Lee and SDK and Oderint and Munny and ernldo and….
In fact, I’m betting most of the DefCon readers and commenters dig this music.
All of you regulars and new readers are Outstanding People.
I was naming y’all, men and women, but I didnt want to leave anybody out. Some of you go back two or three websites ago. And also, we’ve lost some great ones. So here’s to ALL OF YOU DEFCONNERS, past, present and future! Rock On.
This is an old favorite. “Child in Time”. Only a few short lyrics. But that’s all that’s needed. Sometimes, the less said, the better.
In the case of “Child in Time”, the song says it all.
Sweet child in time
You’ll see the line
The line that’s drawn between
Good and bad
See the blind man
Shooting at the world
Bullets flying
Ohh taking toll
If you’ve been bad
Oh Lord I bet you have
And you’ve not been hit
Oh by flying lead
You’d better close your eyes
Ooohhhh bow your head
Wait for the ricochet
The entire album, “Deep Purple in Rock”, is rock’n’roll at it’s best. All tracks available on youtube
“Lazy” on the “Machine Head” album is another good one.
And give another listen to “Made in Japan”. My woman from To-Kay-O.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Relax. Tune out from the world for a day or two. The same shit will still be going on, come Monday morning.