Good morning Deplorables, will you be watching the rigged debate?
Welcome to #JoeBiden's "America"– if Biden is elected President- #NeverBiden #Buyden Latest #BenGarrison #Cartoon great post at https://t.co/KxvjqRd4on pic.twitter.com/zuEH1eMO55
— GrrrGraphics Cartoons (@GrrrGraphics) October 21, 2020
Are You Prepared For China Joe Biden’s America If He’s Elected?
By Ben Garrison/GRRR Graphics
This shows what could happen to America (and Taiwan) if Biden wins. He will do the bidding of the Chicoms. He and his ne’er do-well son Hunter have been purchased by them, but it goes back further than Joe. Obama worked in the best interests of China and so did the Clintons. They were clearly bribed with campaign cash and China got what it wanted from the traitors, including missile technology and U.S. manufacturing jobs through agreements such as NAFTA.
China, like other globo-socialists, wants to see America destroyed from within. Our education system teaches socialism in public schools. They teach kids that America is racist, unfair, unequal, and without social justice. They teach our children that America’s history is shameful and sordid. They teach kids what to think, not how to think.
Our military was greatly weakened by Obama. He fired many generals and ranking officers and replaced them with people willing to fire upon Americans. As Obama’s vice president, Biden praised the Chicoms. In a speech he stated, “Let me be clear. A rising China is a positive development not only for the people of China, but for the United States and the world as a whole.” He also said China could become a ’new partner’ with whom we could meet global challenges together. In other words, China and the Democrats would work together in their quest to bring about a globalist, socialist system. Nationalism was being replaced by globalism and not just under the Democrats. The Bushes also wanted globalism—a ’new world order.’ No wonder the Bush family voted for Hillary instead of Trump. China wants control over the world by controlling the UN and now the United States.
Sleepy Joe recently talked tough about Xi, but that’s mere posturing for the election. Google promotes Joe’s tough talk while accusing Trump of being weak on China. It’s an inversion of the truth. Trump is the first president to really stand up against China and the dangers it presents including their expanding military presence and cultural control over Hollywood, sports (especially the NBA), Silicon Valley, and our government itself. China steals technology and has spies everywhere throughout the United States. Senator Dianne Feinstein’s driver was a long-time spy for the Chicoms. The Democrats have been bought out by China through campaign contributions or outright extortion by means of compromising evidence on video.
Joe Biden and his son have been bought out by the communist party in China. The Chicoms are doing their best to see to it that their man is elected. They know Beijing Joe will pay them back and do what he’s told.
Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.
Curtis Ellis: The idiots most useful to the Chinese Communist Party are in Silicon Valley. https://t.co/q2gfLkpxEL
— American Greatness (@theamgreatness) October 22, 2020
China Is Running Big Tech
Via American Greatness
The idiots most useful to the Chinese Communist Party are in Silicon Valley.
Well, now we know why Big Tech suppresses pro-Trump voices and gives the Chinese Communist Party a megaphone.
It turns out Facebook’s Department of Censorship is staffed and run by citizens of the People’s Republic of China.
The New York Post reports Facebook’s “Hate-Speech Engineering” team (yes, that’s really what they call it) includes at least half a dozen foreign nationals recruited from communist China. This is the same team that smothered the Hunter Biden story.
“The Hate-Speech Engineering team’s staff includes a research scientist based at the Seattle office who earned his master’s degree in computer engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing,” the New York Post reports.
Other team members come from Jilin University in northeast China, Nanjing University in eastern China, and the Communist Party-backed conglomerate Huawei.
These computer engineers are building artificial intelligence algorithms to recognize and suppress wrongthink in your news feed. It’s an insidious form of censorship that doesn’t tell you it’s screening what you’re allowed to see.
Individuals who have no familiarity with traditional American values of free speech, raised and educated in a regimented, collectivist society that prizes social conformity above all else, are now imposing their values on Americans. They are remaking American society in the Chinese Communist Party’s image.
We find this out only because of leaks by a former Facebook employee. Let that sink in. One of the most powerful companies in the world that controls the information Americans receive is entirely unaccountable. If not for an outraged whistleblower we would not know the discourse surrounding American politics and this election in particular is being shaped by citizens of a communist totalitarian state.
They are doing it right here in the United States with help from Mark Zuckerberg, the man who imagines himself Caesar Augustus.
Internal company documents released by Project Veritas reveal Facebook has a policy of favoring H-1B workers over Americans, and Chinese and Korean visa workers over other visa workers.
“When hiring for HR positions, it’s important to prioritize H-1B visa workers, and this will stimulate the process of diversification of the workplace,” says a leaked March 2020 document. The memo says “priority may be given to H-1B applicants from China and Korea to foster larger communities of diverse workers at Facebook.” As Ronald Reagan said, personnel is policy.
“Promoting diversity” is a fig leaf to cover the Zuck’s true motivation: Cheap foreign H1B labor slashes Facebook payroll costs.
And just as Beijing exploits Silicon Valley’s addiction to cheap H1-B labor, Silicon Valley’s allegiance to globalism also makes it an unwitting dupe of the CCP.
Beijing’s Marxist rulers use the ideology and institutions of globalism as a Trojan horse to undermine and overtake Western industrial democracies. Beijing now presents itself as the defender of globalization against President Trump’s national economic policies.
Read the entire article HERE.
I’ll be on Tucker Carlson tonight to discuss NBCs disinformation agent Brandy Zadrozny who doxes trump supporters for a living
Here’s the piece I’ll be discussing. These disinformation reporters hate to be named themselves… https://t.co/7HmeWMfWGQ
— Darren J. Beattie
(@DarrenJBeattie) October 21, 2020
Meet NBC News’ Brandy Zadrozny — The Woman In Charge of Doxxing and Destroying Trump Supporters
Via Revolver News
For more than two months, Revolver has worked to expose the true nature of the 2020 presidential election. Powerful forces in the national media, academia, intelligence services, and the courts are fighting to prevent America from holding an ordinary vote on November 3. Instead, they plan to pull off an Eastern Europe-style “color revolution,” where institutional forces are used to bring about the intended outcome regardless of what the law says or what the public wants, while giving the whole process a gloss of democratic legitimacy.
Harassment, censorship, and intimidation of Trump supporters by any means necessary is a key element of the “color revolution” strategy. And Brandy Zadrozny of NBC News is a key hatchet woman working on behalf of the oligarchs.
Zadrozny has a long history of targeting Trump supporters for doxing, censorship, and harassment. She poses as a neutral reporter, but like so many other “journalists” in 2020, she is simply an ideologically-motivated hitman.
Not only does Zadrozny brag about doxing Trump supporters, she actually wrote the book on it. Incidentally, there is one group of people Zadrozny does not support doxing — pedophiles. Allow us to explain.
Zadrozny was a major contributor to the Verification Handbook, a book for online journalists. Specifically, Zadrozny wrote a guide on how to unethically dox anonymous people online. Zadrozny appears to use paid, dark-data search engines to dox the personal information of anonymous Trump supporters online — obtaining property records, phone information, and even their Amazon wish lists.
Zadrozny is part of a press corps deployed to cover “misinformation, disinformation, and extremism” after the Internet fueled President Donald Trump’s win in 2016. This new journo beat was created to surveil, slander, and censor online voices that counter ruling class narratives.
Why did NBC News hire an obviously partisan hack to do the dirty work of George Soros-funded Media Matters? “Trump will be defeated either through impeachment or the ballot box in 2020.”
It turns out this “Disinformation Expert” (practitioner, not analyst) authored a How-To Guide for doxing intensely personal digital data of anonymous Trump supporters online. This guide is marketed to fellow journos who flunked the same ethics class.
Read the entire article HERE.
Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok gets hired by Georgetown University
Via Campus Reform
Former FBI agent Peter Strzok who was fired from the bureau in 2018 has been hired as an adjunct professor by Georgetown University teaching counterintelligence and national security courses.
Strzok is now listed on the university’s website as “Adjunct Professor – Undergraduate Program,” and has added to his Twitter bio that he is a Georgetown “adjunct prof and alum.”
Strzok will teach a course on “Counterintelligence and National Security,” which “ is an upper-class seminar which explores the theory and practice of counterintelligence as a part of U.S. national security.” It is “designed to expose students to the type of issues and work they would be expected to perform as entry level professional employees within the U.S. intelligence community.”
“The faculty for this new seminar is in a VERY high-level Intel position!” boasts the course description.
“Taught from a practitioner’s perspective, the course begins with the fundamental question of why nations conduct intelligence activity, continuing into an exploration of both the various foreign intelligence services targeting the U.S. and, using real world examples, the range of intelligence activity they employ, including traditional intelligence collection, economic espionage, and disinformation.
“The faculty recently held a senior leadership position in the US Intelligence Community, working both domestic and international counterintelligence issues,” the course description notes, pointing out that Strzok “spent two decades working counterintelligence issues at an operational and policy level.”
Read the entire article HERE.
Gavin Newsom To Go Undercover As A Turkey To Catch Families Celebrating Thanksgiving This Year https://t.co/LxwGxhfQZe
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) October 21, 2020
Gavin Newsom To Go Undercover As A Turkey To Catch Families Celebrating Thanksgiving This Year
Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)
SACRAMENTO, CA—Gavin Newsom has announced a plan to go undercover as a turkey to catch families who are celebrating Thanksgiving this year.
Newsom will dress in a large turkey costume and infiltrate family gatherings, checking to make sure families aren’t violating any of his orders.
The governor participated in a trial run of his plan, infiltrating a mock Thanksgiving dinner at the governor’s sprawling mansion estate. “Gobble gobble,” Newsom said as he casually slipped in through the door. “Gobble? Gobble!” He tried to blend in with the Thanksgiving decorations set throughout the room as he monitored guests to make sure they were social distancing, logging into the family’s Thanksgiving dinner sign-in sheet, and not sharing any food.
Unfortunately, Newsom broke character when he saw someone double-dip a chip, screaming, “YOU’RE OFFENDING SCIENCE!!!” and the plot was foiled.
Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.
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