Thursday, February 11, 2021

Disney Has Many Problematic Liberal Employees But Only Fired The Conservative

Yesterday Def-Con News told you how actress Gina Carano made a comparison between the conservative purge going on now and the treatment of Jews in pre-Holocaust Nazi Germany. As if to prove her point, Disney promptly fired her from The Mandalorian TV series. It turns out that Disney has many problematic employees, but they are liberal douchebags so they get to keep their jobs.

Joss Whedon has written and directed many Marvel movies for the Walt Disney Co. He also has a long history of abusing women and recently Actress Charisma Carpenter called him out for the way he treated her on the set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer:

Other actors from the show, including star Sarah Michelle Gellar have supported Carpenter’s allegations of abuse.

I haven’t been able to find any news that Disney is severing ties with this abuser of women, but he is a radical left-wing lunatic, so his employment status probably won’t change with the company.

Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn was fired for making a bunch pedophilia jokes on Twitter…

…but was rehired after his liberal Hollywood buddies vouched for him.

Liberals will argue that these cases are different than Carano, but luckily we have an apples-to-apples comparison to show Disney’s double-standard.

Carano made a Holocaust comparison…

…and was fired because of it.

Disney has set the standard that making a Holocaust comparison is grounds for being fired. Now check out this tweet from Pedro Pascal the actor who plays The Mandalorian’s title character:

Just in case you can’t see the whole thing, here’s a screenshot:

Well I’ll be damned. That’s a Holocaust comparison and so Disney clearly has to fire Pascal or they’ll look like a bunch of hypocrites. That’s assuming they care, which they obviously don’t. I guess it wouldn’t be a conservative purge if they were holding liberals to the same standards though.

Abusing women and joking about sex with 3 year-olds are perfectly acceptable behavior at Disney, as long as the ones doing it are members of the Liberal tribe. The only real crime at the entertainment giant is holding conservative beliefs.