Thursday, February 11, 2021

Upon Further Reflection, Biden Says China Will Eat Our Lunch

On the campaign trail Joe Biden tried to dismiss President Trump’s assertion that China is an economic threat to the U.S. by saying they would not be eating our lunch. After a phone call with China’s president Biden has changed his mind and now says they will be eating our lunch. It’s unclear what Biden means with this bizarre “lunch” reference, but it’s pretty funny that he was apparently wrong about it. Biden has been wrong about every issue in his 50 years in Washington and that includes his insane delusions.

Back in 2019, Biden was complaining about President Trump’s tariff war with China and for treating the communist country like it was an ecumenic threat.

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man!” Biden said.

Come on, man, indeed. Biden just had his first phone call with Chinese president Xi Jinping and suddenly our lunch is in danger as he told reporters in the Oval Office:

“Last night I was on the phone with for two straight hours with She Zu Pan (Xi Jinping). And you know as well as I know, these folks uh, it was a good conversation, I know him well, we spent a lot of time together over the years I was vice president, but if we don’t get moving, they’re going to eat our lunch,” said Biden.

But wait, Biden said there was no way on hell China was ever going to eat our lunch and now they will if we don’t get moving? WTF?

Joe Biden likes to use weird sayings that get stuck in his head and mean nothing to anyone else. For some reason last week he kept talking about the “crick not rising.” I actually did some research to see if “eat our lunch” was a real phrase and amazingly enough, it is.

Here’s Investopedia to explain:

Eating someone’s lunch refers to the act of an aggressive competition that results in one company taking portions of another company’s market share. Market share is the percentage of an industry or market’s total sales that is achieved by one company during a specified time period.

So this is business term, not related to foreign relations. Still, I would give Biden partial credit if he was trying to say that China was engaged in unfair and aggressive competition to undermine our economy. He was not. Instead, he claimed that China is leaving us behind in green energy and transportation:

“They have major, major new initiatives on rail, they already have rail that goes 325 miles per hour with ease. They are working very hard to do what I think we’re gonna have to do,” said Biden. “They’re working very hard to try to move in a position where they end up being the source of a new way in which to power automobiles, which they’re going to invest a lot of money. They’re investing billions of dollars in dealing with a whole range of issues that relate to transportation and the environment and whole range of other things so we just have to step up.”

So we have to invest billions into green energy nonsense or otherwise China is going to eat our lunch? This is him selling his bullshit environmental policy with a a threat that China will crush us if we don’t.

He doesn’t mention anything about China’s unfair labor practices, intellectual property theft, or currency manipulation, just a “rail that goes 325 miles per hour with ease.” That’s one fast rail, but how fast does the train go?

Biden also didn’t mention anything about giving Xi shit for unleashing a deadly plague upon the world. I know Joe’s firmly in China’s back pocket but the way China has been able to eat everyone’s lunch is by letting loose COVID-19, which has killed millions worldwide and devasted the economies of most countries.

Liberals were happy that Joe Biden stole the 2020 election but China is ecstatic because they know with this braindead fool in the White House there is nothing that will stop them from dominating the world.