Democrats and their helpers in the liberal media spent much of the week trying to convince people that there would be another Trump-supporter insurrection at the Capitol on Thursday. Obviously that never happened because it would have been on the news, but that doesn’t mean they’re done with the BS fear mongering. Now, according to liberal sources, the real Insurrection 2 will happen on March 20.
The Capitol police beefed up security and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi cancelled a vote on Thursday in anticipation of an even deadlier armed insurrection at the Capitol on Thursday. As the day wore on, without incident, even The Washington Post had to admit it was bullshit:
At the Capitol, a March 4 threat from militant Trump supporters proves a mirage https://t.co/pHUgunuHEN
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) March 4, 2021
Like the boy who cried wolf, liberals aren’t ready to let this one go, so now there’s a new date for when when Trump supporters storm the Capitol and destroy democracy once and for all. Here’s the Chicken Little of fake news, Newsweek, with this breaking story:
QAnon Theorists Switch Date to March 20 After No Trump Inauguration, Call the 4th ‘False Flag’
As federal law enforcement agencies braced for QAnon conspiracy theorists to engage in potential acts of violence on Thursday, leading affiliates of the far-right extremist movement seemed to amend formerly held beliefs about the significance of March 4.
Originally, QAnon theorists believed that Trump would resume his place in the White House on March 4, the standing presidential Inauguration Day prior to the 20th Amendment’s passage in 1933. Inaugurations took place on January 20, the day President Joe Biden was sworn into office earlier this year, after that.
Aware of the March 4 conspiracy, federal agencies including the U.S. Capitol Police and Department of Homeland Security prepared for possible uprisings. Many of the Trump supporters who stormed the U.S. Capitol complex on January 6 were QAnon affiliates.
By “QAnon Theorists” Newsweek means “liberal media hacks” who are making this up entirely. In any case, here’s the new date for the upcoming insurrection:
Some QAnon supporters seemed to rebrand the March 4 conspiracy in the wake of community suspicion. While two individuals affiliated with the false theories simply suggested that Trump’s inauguration would take place some time in the spring, one man, identified as Ken, told Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel that the former president “will be inaugurated again on March 20” in comments over the weekend. Ken also believes that “Trump is still in command of the military” and “Biden is acting as president as a ruse while the Pope and others are rounded up,” according to Weigel.
The upcoming date will mark the 167th anniversary of the Republican Party’s founding. Former members of the Whig Party are said to have technically established the GOP during a meeting in Ripon, Wisconsin, on March 20, 1854.
What are the chances that a “QAnon theorist” would speak exclusively to somebody from The Washington Post?
Not only is March 20 the anniversary of the Republican Party’s foundation, it’s also the first day of Spring and comes just 5 days after the Ideas of March when Julias Caesar was betrayed. The real significance of this date however is that it comes one month before Hitler’s birthday on April 20. Everyone knows that Trump is worse than Hitler, so it stands to reason he would be “reborn” one month before Hitler was born.
See how easy it is to be full of shit?
I suspect that liberals will keep pushing the date back on the Capitol Insurrection 2: Dyslexic Boogaloo as an excuse to keep National Guard troops occupying the city forever. When March 20 comes and goes without any violence, they’ll say the “real” date for insurrection is on April Fools Day because that’s how dumb they think we are.