MSNBC bigot and homophobe, Joy Reid, says that everyone on the right would trade anything to be able to openly use the N-word. Apparently she forgot that it’s pretty much just white people on the left who openly say this racial slur. Then again liberals don’t have to trade anything to be openly racist, so this sin’t a fair comparison.
Let’s take a convoluted journey into the race hustling delusional mind of Joy Reid. It starts with former NYT writer Bari Weiss, who wrote and article about how people are self-censoring themselves for fear of being cancelled:
“Self-censorship is the norm, not the exception,” a student at one of the country’s top law schools wrote. “I self-censor even when talking to some of my best friends for fear of word getting around.” Thanks to @DeseretNews for the invitation: https://t.co/HUbJJzv31f
— Bari Weiss (@bariweiss) March 3, 2021
Nowhere in that tweet or the accompanying article does Weiss mention the N-word, but somehow that’s all MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson got out of it:
Yes, because code-switching, mask wearing and all of the other hoops that black people have to go through to appease enough of the majority to even GET into law school isn’t the issue. But censoring yourself from saying the N word amongst friends is https://t.co/PsKFXl1BUb
— Dr. Jason Johnson (@DrJasonJohnson) March 4, 2021
Which prompted MSNBC host Joy Reid to comment:
I’ll say it again: people on the right would trade all the tax cuts for the ability to openly say the n-word like in “the good old days.” To them, not being able to be openly racist and discriminatory without consequence is oppression. Trump is the avatar for this “freedom.” https://t.co/RlqAFYe5Zr
— Joy-Ann Pro-Democracy & Masks Reid
(@JoyAnnReid) March 4, 2021
When has Trump ever used the N-word? Joe Biden has dropped an N-bomb, but he’s definitely not on the right:
And as a liberal, Biden faced no consequences.
Noted leftist Bernie Sanders is also an open user of the N-word:
“For a hundred years, the white workers of the South were the most exploited white workers in America. They were paid the lowest wages, they endured the worst working conditions, their housing was abysmal, their kids went to the most backward schools, and very few could send their children to college. But what did they have? They were given ‘n*ggers’ to hate and look down on, ‘n*ggers’ who couldn’t vote, drink at their water fountains, use the same bathrooms, or sit up front in the buses or movie theaters,” wrote Sanders.
Liberal comedian Bill Maher can also openly use the N-word without consequence:
But really, @BillMaher has got to go. There are no explanations that make this acceptable. pic.twitter.com/K5XlEjekQ9
— deray (@deray) June 3, 2017
Liberal late night TV host Jimmy Kimmel has both appeared in blackface and openly used the N-word without consequence:
“There was danger, n*ggers in the manger…Fat n*gger in a sleigh giving shit away,” rapped Kimmel in a parody song.
But as far as openly using the N-word “like in the good days” nobody was better than LBJ:
“I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years,” said the president with a “D” after his name.
What Joy Reid is really getting at with this tweet is that she wishes the right was as racist as the left so she could have something to legitimately be outraged at.