First it was convenience stores and now it’s the whole United States. After previously stating that you can’t work at a 7-11 “without a slight Indian accent” illegitimate president Joe Biden says “Indians of descent” are taking over the entire country. Thanks to Biden’s terrible immigration policy, it’s actually illegal aliens who are taking over the country, but nobody from the liberal media will fact-check this claim or even try to figure out who “Indians of descent” are.
Biden was on a virtual visit with the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab Perseverance Rover Team to congratulate them on the most recent mission. He however didn’t have much interest in talking to anyone other than Guidance, Navigation, and Controls Operations Lead, Swati Mohan.
“Now, am I supposed to speak or is Swati going to say something? I was told I was going to hear from Swati,” Biden asked.
After a moment, Mohan got on the call.
“Hey, Doc! How are you?” Biden said.
Those of you who think Biden is a cartoon character will feel vindicated that Joe is now pretty much Buggs Bunny.
“I’m doing very well, Mr. President. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us,” Mohan replied.
“Are you kidding me? What an honor this is. This is an incredible honor. And it’s amazing. Indians, of descent, Americans are taking over the country. You; my Vice President; my speechwriter, Vinay. I tell you what, but thank you. You guys are incredible,” said Biden.
Joe apparently thinks that 3 Indians of descent is a takeover.
“Did you want to say something? I’ll be quiet,” Biden said.
Mohan apparently didn’t want to say anything because there was a long awkward silence. Perhaps she was stunned by Biden’s bizarre claim that she and Kamala Harris were taking over the country with a speechwriter.
This obsession with Indians of descent goes way back for Joe. In 2008, during one of his failed presidential bids, Biden met a supporter who was of Indian descent:
“In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian Americans, from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. (mumbles) fooling. I’m not joking,” said Biden.
I’ve been aware of this clip showcasing Biden’s racism for years, but I’ve never understood what he was trying to say. I get that he’s disparaging Indian Americans by indicating they only work in convenience stores, but why does everyone else have to have an Indian accent to go into these establishments?
It does explain however why Biden was so eager to talk to Swati Mohan at NASA. He was clearly amazed that Indians of descent can do other things than sell beer and cigarettes.
The identity politics of Biden’s NASA call is just as racist as his 7-11 “joke.” He’s attributing Mohan’s career success not to her hard work, but rather her race and ethnicity.
Biden rambled on for minutes about how bad America sucks and then indicated that he believes the Mars rover is a manned mission saying, “You ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait till you see what comes home from Mars.”
Biden finished off by disparaging the poor with this bizarre statement:
“And by the way I’m like the poor relative,” said Biden. “You know the poor relatives show up, they say longer then they’re supposed to. I’m one of those kind of guys.”
I have a feeling Biden won’t be around too much longer. He’s mind is shot.
If President Trump had said the exact things that Biden did here, the liberal media would freak out and accuse him of racism and classism. Not with Biden though. He can say whatever he wants no matter how racist, sexist, or nonsensical and they will be no scrutiny from the fake news propaganda machine.