Liberal Alec Baldwin is a garbage human being so naturally he picked defending disgraced NY Governor Andrew Cuomo as his hill to die on. Amid a sexual assault scandal, Cuomo announced his resignation yesterday. Baldwin is pissed and blames cancel culture, not the actions of the Grope Gov. That’s right folks, sexual assault isn’t bad when democrats do it.
The allegations against Andrew Cuomo are so bad that most of Liberaldom has turned on their hero but not Hollywood doucebag Alec Baldwin:
Regardless of what you think of Cuomo, this is a tragic day.
Party politics in this country draw ambitious but ultimately isolated, even socially maladjusted men and women who, given the current cancel culture, will likely have their shortcomings exposed and magnified— AlecBaldwin(HABF) (@AlecBaldwin) August 10, 2021
Cancel culture is when leftist destroy lives and history because innocent things personally offend them. It’s getting someone fired for believing a marriage is between a man and a woman. It’s doxxing a person who thinks biological men men shouldn’t shower with little girls. It’s removing Abraham Lincoln’s name from a school because he didn’t believe black lives mattered enough. It’s an entirely leftist scorched-Earth tactic of intimidation and harassment.
Cancel culture however is not a governor having to resign because he sexually assaulted and harassed dozens of women. Well, it might be if the allegations were against a Republican governor but Cuomo is a democrat and cancel culture doesn’t come for the liberals.
Liberals do get off on being perpetual victims so this is Baldwin crying that an insidious thing his side created is now claiming bodies on the left too. If cancel culture were an equal opportunity destroyer, Baldwin would have been vaporized long ago for all the shit things he has said and done.
Proving the the bullshit game is strong with him, Baldwin also tries to blame “party politics” for Cuomo’s downfall. For the record, it was NY AG Letitia James, a democrat, who ordered the independent investigation into Cuomo’s sexual misdeeds and found that he had sexually harassed and assaulted 11 women. This was democrat-on-democrat all the way.
Also for the record, Cuomo was found to have forcibly kissed women, made inappropriate sexual advances, and groped butts and boobs. This is sexual assault and harassment all day long.
Which brings us to the final point: Baldwin dismisses this serious sexual misconduct as the shortcomings of a maladjusted man. A shortcoming is habitual tardiness or lacking tact. Grabbing a handful of titty against a woman’s will is sexual assault.
Weirdly enough, Baldwin didn’t think sexual assault allegations were cancel culture and party politics when someone else was accused:
Someone said to me, “Not too long ago, if the President was accused of sexual assault, it would have mattered. Now, people just roll their eyes and let it pass.”
Trump…is..a monster.
— AlecBaldwin(HABF) (@AlecBaldwin) February 26, 2019
For all you Trump supporters who have swallowed the poison pills of racist hatred, election fraud, a revolving door of semi-competent or outright awful appointees, the wholesale sexual degradation of women…if the economy tanks, whatcha gonna do? $ is all u care about. So…?
— AlecBaldwin(HABF) (@AlecBaldwin) August 19, 2019
Is Trump, even unwittingly and as the result of his sexual proclivities and underhanded business dealings, a Russian asset?
— AlecBaldwin(HABF) (@AlecBaldwin) June 29, 2020
The thing is, nobody ever found a shred of evidence that Trump committed acts of sexual assault and the entire left side of the country spent 4 years looking. Cuomo, on the other hand, was found to have committed numerous acts by a member of his own party.
This is a really long way of pointing out that sexual assault is acceptable in the eyes of liberals when a fellow liberal is accused of it. Rape shouldn’t be political, it should just be abhorrent no matter who does it. This is one of the many reasons why liberals are shitty people.
Again, if cancel culture treated the left and right equally, Baldwin would get knocked the f*ck out for supporting a proven sexual predator.