Arnold Schwarzenegger can’t make a decent movie to save his life anymore, but his YouTube videos are still pretty good. Not long ago he made one where he threatened to chop up Trump supporters with his Conan sword. Now he’s back telling people who resist wearings masks, “Screw your freedom.”
To prove what a principled conservative Republican he is, Schwarzenegger appeared with Alexander Vindman to help the traitor promote his book. Apparently Vindman’s book isn’t all that interesting so the subject went to COVID-19 and more specifically those “girly men” who think they have a right to chose what they put in and on their bodies:
“There is a virus here. It kills people and the only way we prevent it is to get vaccinated, to wear masks, to do social distancing, washing your hands all the time and not just to think about, ‘well my freedom is being kind of being disturbed here.’ No, screw your freedom,” said Schwarzenegger.
Schwarzenegger further cemented his status as a liberal douchebag by demonstrating his shittiness with analogies:
“Because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities. We cannot just say, ‘I have the right to do X, Y and Z.’ When you affect other people, that is when it gets serious. It’s no different than the traffic light. You put the traffic at the intersection so someone doesn’t kill someone else for accident. So this why we’ve traffic there. You cannot say, ‘No one is going to tell me that I’m going to stop here, that I have to stop at this traffic light here. I’m going to go right through it.’ Then you kill someone else, and then it is your doing,” Schwarzenegger said.
People who chose not to get vaccinated or wear masks have weighed the risks and are of no danger to anyone expect possibly others who have made the same decision. A better analogy to vaccine resistance would be to people who don’t wear seatbelts.
From there, Arnie went on to mock people foolish enough to believe they have a right to make decisions for their own bodies:
“‘According to my principals, this is a free country and I’m going to have the freedom of no mask.’ Yeah, you have the freedom to wear no mask. But you know something, you’re a schmuck for not wearing a mask because you’re supposed to protect the fellow members around you,” Schwarzenegger said.
After calling maskless rebels “schmucks,” Schwarzenegger tried to claim he was all about uniting people:
“I don’t want to villainize anyone here but I just wanted to tell everyone, let’s work together and let’s stop fighting because there is a virus, and it’s better to get vaccinated to wear a mask,” said Schwarzenegger.
Not villains, just schmucks who can suck it for believing they are free.
Like I said, Arnie’s movies suck lately but these YouTube videos are entertaining. He should do a documentary for NatGeo called “The Mating Habits of the Austrian RINO” which would just be a sex tape of him banging his housekeeper. Actually, it would be a sex tape of him getting hit from behind by the entire democratic party because he has certainly been taking everything they can give rectally and spitting it out like it’s something conservatives want to hear.