The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a lengthy document on its website, seemingly unnoticed when it was originally written, explaining how to put people in camps to keep them safe from COVID-19. This from nationalfile.com.
In the document released last year, titled “Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings“, the CDC offers an operational procedure for “humanitarian settings” in which putting people in camps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 may prove necessary. The document appears to contain procedures meant for use outside of the United States.
It continues, “shielding may serve its objective to protect high-risk populations from disease and death” but notes that “implementation of the approach necessitates strict adherence” to the CDC’s protocol. Each “green zone” would require its own “dedicated latrine/bathing facility” and would severely limit contact with the outside world, instead relying on “high-risk” individuals policing and helping each other. Mandatory six foot social distancing would also be strongly enforced.
“The approach does not address the potential emotional, social/cultural, psychological impact for separated individuals,” notes the document. Additionally, the CDC warns that “The number of green zones required may be greater than anticipated.” The CDC notes that such green zones would need to be able to operate for at least six months.
While the CDC does not endorse the use of camps to contain COVID-19, it notes that the “shielding approach” could “prove effective in preventing COVID-19 infection among high-risk populations”. As medical experts and alarmists spread fear about the “Delta Variant,” it may be important to note that the CDC writes that “The shielding approach is intended to alleviate stress on the healthcare system and circumvent the negative economic consequences of long-term containment measures and lockdowns.” In other words, the CDC appears to be pitching COVID camps as an alternative to lockdowns.
“Safe or ‘green zones'” has a military-esque sound to it. I’m imagining Death Camps. And the CDC in their stormtrooper uniforms will be responsible for rounding up non-vaxers for mass internment. Will those who survive the apprehension fight be treated humanely like the Islamic terrorists in Guantanamo Bay or will they be abused like the January 6th detainees?
And the “document” addressing specifically “high-risk populations” begs the question, What constitutes “high risk”? Non-vaxed or those objecting to being vaxed?
A final note: Governor Bill Lee (RINO) of Tennessee signed Executive Order No. 83 “AN ORDER TO FACILITATE THE CONTINUED RESPONSE TO COVID-19” on 08/06/2021. This from tn.gov/products/division-publications/executive-orders. Am I correct to read ‘Interment Camps’ here?
Keep in mind Def-Con News readers: The difference between ‘Paranoia’ and ‘Contingency Planning’ is a fear of the unfound. We, patriot deplorables, are contingency planning.