Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), the No. 3 House Republican, has issued a warning to Democrat President Joe Biden that his son Hunter will be subpoenaed.
This from slaynews.com.
In a new interview with The New York Post, Stefanik vowed that Congress will investigate the Biden family because “the American people deserve answers.”
Stefanik made the promise as pressure mounts for Republicans to act on Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” if they win back control of the House after the midterms.
“We will subpoena Hunter Biden,” Stefanik warned.
“It should concern every American that they did this for the Biden family’s financial gain, which came at the cost of our national security.
“There is no greater ethical concern or frankly conspiracy whether this president is compromised because of his illegal ties to his family members.
“Make no mistake, the subpoenas will rain down if they do not turn over documents and answer our questions.
“We are already preparing document requests and investigations of numerous federal agencies and individuals,” Stefanik added.
“Stefanik, the No. 3 House Repub, is…presiding over a conclave of her colleagues, all of whom are eagerly plotting a blizzard of investigations into the administration should they take control of the House…Stefanik previously called for a subpoena of Hunter Biden…in 2019.” https://t.co/ipSiYwsmzB
— Elise Stefanik (@EliseStefanik) March 26, 2022
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Historic Year For Republicans’ — A Look Inside House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik’s Efforts To Win Back The Majority
Read more from my sit-down interview with @RepStefanik here: https://t.co/844hwbQg1v
— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) March 26, 2022
House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy also warned Adam Schiff last week that his days on the Intel Committee were coming to an end.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy blasted Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff on Friday, vowing to remove him from the panel if the GOP takes back the majority in this year’s midterm elections after Schiff wrongly alleged The Post’s bombshell reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian “smear.”
“The Democrats have politicized our intelligence committee. You’ve watched it year after year since Adam Schiff has become chair,” McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters.
“No, he doesn’t warn us about Ukraine or Afghanistan or what’s happening around the world. He tells you about politics.
“But the worst part of it is, you cannot trust what he tells you, that he lies to us,” he continued.
“Just watch what has happened.
Two years ago, Schiff stated the emails found from Hunter Biden were all [a] smear on Joe Biden [that] comes from the Kremlin.
That’s what the head of the Intel [Committee] said.”
We all know what every damn democrat is thinking right now and has been stewing on for months. They’re tormented and repeatedly mumbling, ‘There is no way in hell we can allow the Republicans to take over Congress.’
We must anticipate the worst trickery possible yet continue to hope and pray that Republican voters and Republican candidates prevail.
And unless there is another stolen election and it’s allowed to stand by Republicans caught flatfooted and sitting on their thumbs, there will be a Red Wave come November 2022.
But that Red Wave will do We the People and the Republican Party no damn good if the likes of Kevin McCarthy become Speaker of the House. McCarthy will be a Paul Ryan redo and nothing meaningful will be accomplished, although promises galore will be voiced vociferously.
NO, We the People must demand that a true ‘Charlie Hustle’ is elected Speaker of the House and Mitch McConnell in the Senate is sent packing.
God speed to Conservatism.
And God speed to the powers of right and true.