Ketanji Brown Jackson may not know what a woman is but she sure knows how to define a black separatist group. According to Biden’s SCOTUS wannabe, the Black Hebrew Israelites, known racists and terrorists, are a bunch of healthy-living vegans. She said she couldn’t define what a woman is because she’s not a biologist, so let’s assume she is a vegan or black terrorist.
On the third day of her Senate confirmation hearings, Ketanji Brown Jackson was asked about a case she presided over involving the Black Hebrew Israelites. Like all of her answers, this was disqualifying:
Judge Jackson just mentioned the “African Hebrew Israelites,” calling them “a cultural community around healthy living.” pic.twitter.com/E0LIi9PEJW
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) March 23, 2022
“So this case involved a small community, a cultural community, of people who believe in a vegan lifestyle. The call themselves that African Hebrew Israelites but it’s not a religious community it’s cultural community around healthy living,” said Jackson.
Wow, these guys sound like a bunch of peace-loving hippies. The weird thing is, Def-Con News has reported on the Black Hebrew Israelites many times and the stories were far less about healthy living vegans.
If you remember Nick Sandmann and the Covington Catholic kids who the liberal media falsely accused of racially harassing a Native American vet, it was actually the Black Hebrew Israelites who instigated things.
In December 2019, Black Hebrew Israelites David Anderson and Francine Graham killed a police officer and then murdered 3 more in a Kosher supermarket in New Jersey.
In December of 2020, Black Hebrew Israelite Carlos Antonio Washington broke into a North Carolina home and attacked a white couple with a machete.
Just last month Black Hebrew Israelite Quintez Brown tried to assassinate Jewish democrat Craig Greenberg.
In none of these cases was there anything mentioned about veganism or healthy living. They all however have Black Hebrew Israelites attacking and killing white, mostly Jewish, people. Perhaps Jackson’s definition of the this group would have been more accurate if she added “racist” “violent” and “anti-Semitic.”
The truth is, the Black Hebrew Israelites are racial terrorists that even the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law center considers a hate group. And despite Jackson’s claim, they are a religious group. They believe they are descended from one of the 12 lost tribes of Israel and for some reason hate Jews.
They are a black supremacist group who believes Jews are “devilish imposters” and whites are “evil personified.” They think that Jews and whites deserve “only death or slavery.” They have been described as the black KKK.
With that in mind, try to imagine a white Supreme Court nominee describing the KKK as a cultural community who believes in a bonfire lifestyle and has an interest in clean linens. It would be instantly disqualifying.
The thing to think of here is why did Ketanji Brown Jackson blatantly misrepresent what the Black Hebrew Israelites are all about? The only reason I can think of is, she is either a member or believes in their hateful philosophy. She would not have lied about these terrorists unless she had some sort of connection to them.