Joe Biden surpassed Jimmy Carter as the worst president in modern history last year and then earlier this year became the worst president of all time. Still, his mind is gone and he’s sheltered from all the damage he’s done so he’s apparently seething mad that he’s less popular with the American people than Donald Trump.
Here’s the deal: Joe Biden’s mind is completely gone and he is controlled by a group of handlers. They set and execute his failed agenda and then tell him he’s doing a great job. Everyone once in a while he’ll have a lucid moment and see the polls which have him about as popular as ass herpes. Because of his state of dementia and his handlers lying to him, he doesn’t get why he isn’t more beloved.
Politico did a piece called Biden wants to get out more, seething that his standing is now worse than Trump’s and it’s as funny as it sounds:
The president has expressed exasperation that his poll numbers have sunk below those of Donald Trump, whom Biden routinely refers to in private as “the worst president” in history and an existential threat to the nation’s democracy.
Under Trump, the economy was kicking ass and everything from food to gas was affordable. Also, mothers could get formula for their babies. Under Trump, America had a secure border and energy independence. Under Trump Afghanistan wasn’t controlled by the Taliban and Ukraine wasn’t under siege by Russia. But yeah, Biden’s totally doing a great job.
As funny as that is, the White House “solution” to fix this is even more hilarious:
The plan is to put Biden on the road to highlight progress being made, even incrementally, in meeting the series of tests, with visits this week to California, where he will preside over a summit of Western Hemisphere allies, as well as New Mexico to push for his climate agenda.
Biden has literally but*cked everything he’s touched since stealing the White House. What progress has been made?
What a plan: Have mumbly-mouth Biden get out and tell the people they are stupid for thinking things are bad. I can’t see any flaw in that reasoning whatsoever.
But wait, they comedy isn’t quite done:
Members of Biden’s inner circle, including first lady Jill Biden and the president’s sister, Valerie Biden Owens, have complained that West Wing staff has managed Biden with kid gloves, not putting him on the road more or allowing him to flash more of his genuine, relatable, albeit gaffe-prone self. One person close to the president pushed for more “let Biden be Biden” moments, with the president himself complaining he does not get to interact enough with voters.
Isn’t Biden being Biden the problem? He can barely speak, has no idea what’s going on, and lies constantly. That on top of his tendency to insult people makes for a perfect shitstorm of dislike from the American people. If his handlers think more Biden is the solution, they’re more screwed up in the head than he is.
As funny as all this is, it’s actually kind of sad and a little bit scary. It shows how disconnected from reality Biden and his entire administration are as well as proving that Joe is clearly not in control of this country.