Donald J. Trump had become not only a billionaire, but the most famous billionaire on earth. The celebrity of all celebrities. With the most famous celebrity estate—Maralago. And the most famous reality TV show, Celebrity Apprentice.
And who would give that life up? Trump did. To save America and the forgotten middle class. To fight the D.C. Swamp and the Deep State. To Make America Great Again. He gave up his one-in-a-billion life for We the People.
This from Wayne Allyn Root on rootforamerica.com.
Now he intends to be president again. Trump never saw House Speaker as his calling. He was flattered by the suggestion of becoming Speaker—first by Wayne Allyn Root on 1-30-2021—but he never wanted the job. House Speaker takes up too much time. Trump needs to be free to run for president again.
NOTE: We the People have witnessed that Trump plays chess at a much higher level than his competition. He was new to politics, however, he was already a master at the dirty business. Trump took the idea of becoming Speaker and ran with it. However, he made it happen in a different way. You see, Trump IS the newly elected House Speaker. Just not in name.
In name, the Speaker title goes to Kevin McCarthy.
But We the People know who made that happen. Trump did. And now Trump controls McCarthy’s every move as House Speaker via the MAGA, America First, loyal Trump members of the Freedom Caucus.
MAGA has McCarthy by the short hairs. Practically in a literal manner, McCarthy can’t take a bathroom break without asking the Freedom Caucus for permission. So, guess who’s actually running Congress? De-facto House Speaker: Donald J. Trump.
And now We the People have “the House that Trump Built.”
Yes, We the People clearly see the rationale behind why Congressman Matt Gaetz and his band of merry Trump warriors raked McCarthy across 15 excruciating rounds of hot flaming coals.
That ordeal was not GOP weakness or GOP disunity as the mass propaganda media would have us believe. What occurred was a series of beautifully choreographed moves to extract every last conservative MAGA concession from McCarthy. To make sure McCarthy understood that MAGA was his master.
And look at what McCarthy was forced to agree to:
Allowing just one member of the GOP Congress to move to vacate the speaker’s chair. Meaning if McCarthy doesn’t keep his word to Trump conservatives, he’s out on a moment’s notice. MAGA is the Master!
McCarthy had to agree to give three members of the Freedom Caucus seats on the powerful House Rules Committee. Now, guess who decides the fate of every bill in Congress? Exactly! Trump might as well be House Speaker. Nothing will happen without a wink and nod from Trump.
The new draft rules McCarthy agreed to will prevent any new increases in spending. Any legislation that increases spending will never see the light of day. Any proposed raising of the debt limit will be very difficult.
McCarthy also agreed to a requirement for 72 hours before any bill comes up for a vote. Meaning members now have time to actually read a bill before voting on it.
McCarthy agreed to allow floor votes on term limits and border security.
McCarthy agreed that his PAC will stay out of future GOP primaries—thereby allowing MAGA candidates to prevail, without being outspent by establishment RINO candidates.
McCarthy agreed to establish a committee to investigate the weaponization of the federal government—in particular efforts by the FBI and national security agencies to influence elections in favor of [
democratscommunists/globalists], as well as silence and punish conservatives.
And there is more:
McCarthy’s first act as House Speaker was to repeal funding for 87,000 new IRS agents.
His second act was to boot from committees three radical [
democratscommunists/globalists] (some would say 3 traitors to America): Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Ilhan Omar. -
His third act was a vote to require immediate medical attention for babies still alive after an attempted abortion. Once born alive, they are now a “legal person” with the right to medical care. Can you even imagine—210 [
democratcommunists/globalist] Congressmen voted against this bill. -
His fourth act will be a vote to abolish the entire IRS, eliminate the income tax and set up a “Fair Tax” system (relying only on sales taxes).
And still more:
House Republicans also immediately filed articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas—the man most responsible for the open border (other than [Obama,] Biden and Kamala).
And Congressman Matt Gaetz announced the GOP Congress will soon release 14,000 hours of January 6th video tapes that were hidden by the [democrat communist/globalist] Congress.
As We the People, perhaps now more clearly, see: Fifteen rounds of voting for House Speaker WAS the most brilliant move in political history.
The 15 rounds were chess at a level only Trump can play.
It is the greatest single Conservative MAGA victory since President Trump’s 2016 election.
Again, this is now “The House That Trump Built.”
Yes, President Trump took an idea first proposed by Wayne Allyn Root and ran with it.
Trump is now the de-facto House Speaker…without any of the day-to-day work that would prevent him from running for president.
Nothing in Congress will happen without Trump’s approval.
And Trump runs the whole show direct from his beloved Maralago.