Some are calling this a “major mistake” but this is beyond the category of mistake. This is criminal.
On Friday, Fox 5 Washington D.C. revealed that a teacher from an Upper Marlboro, Maryland, high school emailed X-rated photos to the entire student-body.
This from thegatewaypundit.com.
Fox 5 Washington D.C. reported the following details:
A teacher at a Prince George’s County high school
mistakenlysent out sexually explicit photos to the student-body, according to school officials.Families of students at Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr. High School in Upper Marlboro were informed of the news on Friday in a letter sent home by Principal Taryn Washington.
The letter indicates that the photos were “inadvertently” sent out in an email to all students at the school, and immediate action was taken by the administration to retract the message.
Despite the retraction, the letter said that “many individuals saw the photos and have since shared them with others.”
In response, Principal Washington is asking the students and the community to stop sharing the photos.
The letter goes on to write that “appropriate steps have been taken regarding the employee,” but it did not indicate what those steps were.
Principal Washington said the school is making mental health clinicians and professional school counselors available to students who need support in response to the incident.
The letter did not provide details about the employee who sent out the photos, or what may have caused the [
mistakegrooming]. It also did not indicate when the photos were sent out to students.
We the People want to know what possessed this teacher to have sexually explicit photos in the first place? Was this teacher viewing porn on a computer while on the job?
Also, the excuse of ‘mistake’ is a far stretch. Teachers all across America make it their mission to groom and indoctrinate students. The Gateway Pundit has provided several examples of this.
Finally, punishment should only begin with immediate termination.
[T]his so-called mistake of sending sexually explicit photos had a clearly damaging impact on the student body.