Congressman Jim Banks (R-IN) is creating a new ‘anti-woke’ caucus in Congress to push back on the radical left.
This from thegatewaypundit.com.
Finally! We the People strongly believe this is long overdue.
The craziness of the left has infiltrated everything from education to the U.S. Military.
Decades of dedicated attention will be required to wipe out what the Left has damaged in America. And we MUST NOT wait any longer to begin to fight back.
FOX News reports:
Rep. Jim Banks, (R-IN) announced Friday that he will be creating the ‘first-ever Anti-Woke Caucus’ to take on political correctness groups, which he said have formed a ‘tyranny’ that is vastly changing America through ‘indoctrination.’
[A] new House ‘Anti-Woke Caucus’ will push back on ‘wokeness tyranny’ in schools, military, and government.
Banks said he will be forming a new caucus to take on ‘wokeness’ across the country, which presents the ‘greatest domestic threat to America today.’
Congressman Banks Stated:
This Congress, I will create the first-ever Anti-Woke Caucus.
This utterly un-American doctrine would be comical were it not so powerful. And it is powerful because it is enforced not only by every major national institution. It is promoted and funded by the federal government itself.
Banks wrote in an op-ed for American Mind titled Fighting the Woke Agenda in Congress:
Wokeness is especially prevalent and dangerous at universities and in primary schools because the Left recognized students as the most vulnerable and useful targets for indoctrination.
He added:
The most toxic part of this tyranny is its doctrine—’wokeness.’
In the op-ed, Banks detailed what he believes America and Congress must do to reclaim its standards and practices from those who seek to erase them.
Finally, an Action Plan has been developed to address the problems involving ‘Wokeness.’
This must be seen as a great initiative. And it is so desperately needed.
This Congress, I will create the first ever Anti-Woke Caucus.
Read my @theammind op-ed about what Congress must do in the fight against wokeism
— Jim Banks (@RepJimBanks) January 13, 2023
The Biden administration won’t allow @govkristinoem to celebrate… America? This is outrageous! https://t.co/my0ufcDPRh
— Jim Banks (@RepJimBanks) January 13, 2023
Final thoughts: Ignoring the problem has obviously not worked. The situation has become much worse. The clash between Conservatism and Wokeism must be addressed.
Conservatism must attack the problems brought about by wokeness.
We the American People have had it with the insanity of the Left. They are decades ahead of us with their goal of diminishing America, but we must start somewhere.
A Plan of Attack against ‘Wokeness’ and against the Left is long overdue.