The common denominator among anti-gun lunatics is that they know nothing about the things they hate so much. Journalistic fraud, Geraldo Rivera, was defending Joe Biden’s gun ignorance with a little of his own, proclaiming that AR-15s are “machine guns” and that “AR” stands for “automatic rifle.”
Yesterday, Joe Biden once again misrepresented the 2nd Amendment by saying it never allowed for cannon ownership as he called for an “assault weapons” ban. Later, on The Five, Geraldo Rivera stuck up for the illegitimate president’s idiocy by being even more idiotic:
Geraldo Rivera just said with a straight face on The Five that the “AR” in AR-15 stands for “Automatic Rifle.” pic.twitter.com/9HPkSlfdOT
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 17, 2023
“It makes macho, the people who possess it, ‘Oh, look at me, I’m a big deal,” said Rivera of the AR-15.
“It’s a rifle,” interjected Greg Gutfeld.
“It’s not a rifle, Greg, it is a machine-gun,” Rivera shot back.
This is already bad, but it got worse when Gutfeld asked Rivera to define an AR-15.
“What does AR stand for?” Gurfeld asked with a smirk.
“It is, it is, it is, an automatic rifle,” said Rivera with a straight face.
“No, that’s not what it is,” informed Gutfeld.
Geraldo didn’t care that he was wrong, he kept kept going with the bullshit.
“Well, all I know is AR-15s have no place in American society other than sporting clubs and I agree with [Biden] on that,” Rivera concluded.
It’s painfully obvious that all Rivera knows is nothing and that his opinions are worthless.
What makes this extra-funny is that anti-gun ding-dongs usually falsely claim that AR stands for “assault rifle,” but Rivera went for “automatic rifle.” It’s kind of surprising he didn’t say it stands for “apocalyptic ravager.”
The Daily Caller also posted the clip of Rivera’s dumbassery:
Greg Gutfeld: “What does ‘AR’ stand for?”
Geraldo Rivera: “It is automatic rifle.”
Greg Gutfeld: “No, that’s not what it is.”
Geraldo Rivera: “All I know is AR-15s have no place in American society.”
Those most passionate about ‘gun control’ tend to know the least about guns pic.twitter.com/MWV23CYWuk
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 17, 2023
To which Rivera responded:
Heard the Daily Caller and fellow travelers are ranting about my incorrect definition on-air of “AR” as in AR-15. Whatever. Point is, there is no place (other than sporting clubs and similar skilled settings) for assault rifles.
They’re substitute appendages.— Geraldo Rivera (@GeraldoRivera) January 18, 2023
Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Geraldo Rivera is a liberal bitch, he uses the standard liberal debate ender. After failing to defend his position, because he can’t, Rivera says “you all have small dicks.”
It’s a wonder why Rivera even has a job at Fox News. He’s a complete fraud with no journalistic skill or integrity. He’s also a culturally appropriating scumbag named Jerry Rivers, who pretends to be Hispanic. On top of which, he’s a progressive liberal douchebag.
The only thing that makes sense is that Fox keeps Geraldo Rivera around so everyone else at the network has someone to laugh at. It is his only redeeming quality.