The State of New California is holding its 10th Constitutional Convention January 12-14, 2023.
This from thegatewaypundit.com.
Yes, the State of New California has long been gearing up for statehood.
The courageous men and women in West Virginia stood strong and created a new state according to the U.S. Constitution. The new state was granted statehood during the Civil War.
The state of New California is following the same model.
The state of New California shares the following on its website:
The U.S. Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Alta California Declaration of Independence of 1836 and the Sonoma Proclamation of 1846 declared the Right of the People in the states of Alta California and California respectively to throw off the bonds of tyranny.
Constitutional Authority to Act
The current state of California has become governed by a tyranny, which rivals those expressed in the above documents. Therefore the United States Declaration of Independence of 1776, the Constitution as adapted in 1783 by the Congress of the United States of America, the Alta California Declaration of Independence of 1836, the Sonoma Proclamation of 1846, and the California State Constitution of 1848 Mandate the Right, the Responsibility, the Duty of the People who are suffering the long train of abuses and usurpations at the hands of a tyrannical government to abolish and make new a government by the People and for the People under GOD.
Article IV Section 3 of the United States Constitution
New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
United States Declaration of Independence
Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
The State Splitting Process
The Precedence was set in 1861 when West Virginia was split from Confederate Virginia as Virginia tried to secede the Union. The process begins when a state’s legislature first votes to split the state. Once the measure in the form of a resolution passes both the State Assembly and Senate it is submitted to Congress. Both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate must vote to pass the resolution in order to split the state.
No State has been brought into the Union who could not demonstrate their ability to self govern. New California will demonstrate a governance system as modeled by the U.S. Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights…
…New California will be the 6th largest State behind New York (bigger than Illinois and Pennsylvania). It’s Estimated 25-27 seats in the US House of Representatives will go to New California. Old California will become the 2nd most populous state behind Texas and ahead of Florida, losing 25-27 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Below is a summary of the New State of California:
Click below to read the Agenda for the 10th Constitutional Convention which began Thursday (Lara Logan will be joining them):
The following from newcaliforniastate.com.
Why New California?
New California is a new state in development exercising its Constitutional Right to form from the State of California. The process to form New California is authorized and codified in Article 4 Section 3 of the United States Constitution.
After years of over taxation, regulation, and mono party politics the State of California and many of its 58 Counties have become ungovernable. The nature of the State becoming ungovernable has caused a decline in essential basic services such as education, law enforcement, fire protection, transportation, housing, health care, taxation, voter rights, banking, state pension systems, prisons, state parks, water resource management, home ownership, infrastructure and many more. To be sure A recent study issued by the U.S. News and World Report ranked California No. 23 in the nation based on an aggregate score measuring economy, education, infrastructure, crime, and more.
Enter New California State an organization seeking to educate California citizens about their right to form a new state from the State of California. New California State is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. The organization is working together with likeminded individuals and groups to reach a common goal: to achieve a state split in accordance with the U.S. Constitution (Article IV, Sec. 3).
Founded in 2017 New California State declared its Independence on January 15, 2018, and has conducted 6 Constitutional Conventions across the state, where delegates of the New California State movement came together to construct the New California State Constitution and pass critical legislation to create New California State.
The New California Legislature has to date passed 23 Resolutions including a resolution to ‘Restore the State of California.’
During the 6th Constitutional Convention New California State keynote speaker former Gov. and advisor to President Trump, Mike Huckabee endorsed the New California State.
County Committees will be established in all counties who would like to join the New California State Movement. These County Committees wilkl serve as local governance centers and will be directly involved with the New California State movement activities. Representatives from each county will be selected to represent their respective counties on the Council of counties Committee. The County Committees will be instrumental in establishing local autonomy and outreach in their respective counties. County Committees will serve as the basis for a Legislature.
In order to have a viable New California Constitution the Declaration of Independence for New California must work in tandem with the New California Constitution. A day of Independence will be declared to declare our intent to separate from the State of California following the provisions of Article 4 Section 3 of the United States Constitution. The Day of Independence will be the first step to in the process necessary to establish the New California Constitutional Convention. The Declaration Process will serve as the Will of the People in New California.
At all times representatives from New California will stand ready to work with California State representatives and Federal representatives to complete the separation process in an orderly fashion following all federal and state laws.
Final thoughts: God speed to New California. The above, in addition to what was not included in this version of the article, reads like everything has been planned for.
What could possibly go wrong?