When word that 10 Asians were killed in a mass shooting in Monterey Park, liberals were chomping at the bit to exploit the tragedy. Yes, it took place in heavily gun-controlled California, but as long as the shooter was a white supremacist, it would still have exploitable value. Unfortunately, the gunman turned out to be an elderly Asian man, disappointing liberals everywhere.
Saturday night, a gunman opened fired in the Star Ballroom Dance Studio in Monterey Park, California on a gathering to celebrate the Chinese New Year. 10 people, 5 men and 5 women, were killed and another 10 were injured. The attack lasted 5 minutes, with the gunman reloading several times.
A bit later, that same gunman went to another dance studio in nearby Alhambra, California to attempt another mass shooting. At the second location, patrons were able to wrestle the gun away from the shooter and he fled.
As of Sunday morning, police had not located the gunman and didn’t even have a description, other than it was a man. By the afternoon however, police believed the suspect was 72-year-old Huu Can Tran. He was spotted in a white van in Torrence, about 30 miles South of the shooting.
As police moved in on the van in a parking lot, a shot rang out and officers requested backup. A SWAT team moved in and discovered Tran had killed himself. They found the gun believe to have been used in the shooting, as well as another firearm. It’s unclear how Tran had the gun form the shooting, when it was wrestled away from him in Alhambra, but that’s what is being reported.
On top of a 72-year-old man being one of the least likely mass shooters, Tran had to be Asian, ruining any chance for liberals to exploit the tragedy. It clearly wasn’t a hate crime, so what the f*ck was going on?
The NY Post reports that it was probably a domestic violence situation. Tran had been a dance instructor at the Star Ballroom Dance Studio for decades and even met his ex-wife there. Their marriage didn’t last and they were divorced in 2005. Tran was hostile towards many of the other instructors at the studio and believed they were saying “evil things about him.”
Tran’s ex-wife had been invited to the Chinese New Year celebration, but he was not. Apparently, Tran went there to settle a dispute that likely only existed in his head.
With the hate crime aspect busted, liberals held out hope that at least the gunman used one of those AR-15 assault weapons of mass destruction. Alas, Tran used a semi-automatic pistol, once again disappointing the left. Granted, it was a Cobray M11 9mm, which is kind of an Uzi knock-off, but liberals don’t know enough about guns to be outraged.
There are a couple of lessons to learn from this shooting that liberals will completely ignore. The first being that gun control doesn’t do a damn thing to stop a crazy person from doing bad things. California has the most restrictive gun laws in the country, but for some reason none of them stood in Tran’s way as he killed 10 and injured 10 more. It’s almost like laws only work when people obey them or something.
The second lesson is, an armed society is a polite society. If anyone in the ballroom had been allowed to carry a concealed weapon, the shooting would have been far less deadly. If Tran knew there was a chance any of the patrons were armed, he probably wouldn’t have attempted the shooting in the first place.
Since this shooting doesn’t fit any of the liberal narratives about white supremacists with deadly “assault weapons” the story will disappear before I finish writing this sentence.