What does ‘woke’ mean?
This from ChuckMoss on 100percentfedup.com.
The question was asked by the original author of this article, Chuck Moss’s pastor as they sat down to have post-Mass coffee:
“What does ‘Woke’ mean, exactly?”
Moss stated that none of those in attendance—him included—could give a succinct answer to this question.
The Priest later indulged the gathering with his understanding, which was something like:
“Being nice to folks who are different.”
But Moss took the Father’s question in a more fundamental way—in a direct, fundamental query of basic meaning—and performed a research.
“What does ‘Woke’ mean?”
Short answer he found?
All the dictionaries define the term as meaning ‘socially aware of injustice.’
And as Moss noted:
That’s like defining Communism as ‘wanting to help people.’
So, down the rabbit hole—the general precepts of ‘Woke’:
It is an ideology—meaning a secular religion.
It’s revealed Truth; opponents are sinners, questioning is heresy, and unbelievers must be converted or destroyed.
It is collectivist.
Collective thinking rejects human individualism, herding people into broad classes based on defined characteristics–like race, sex, and religion.
In classic Marxism, those groups are defined by economic status. Woke defines them by race and sorts them out by ‘privilege.’
The color of your skin does indeed define your character—forever. A wealthy black college professor outranks a poor white son of a coal miner.
Collective thinking denies humans basic dignity and treats them as mere numbers. Key: it also assigns collective guilt.
Another current name for collectivists is ‘Progressive.’
Woke is authoritarian.
Collectivism is tyrannous. With no individual rights to base human dignity and freedoms on, people are simply ants to be directed by any would-be Leader.
Also, Marxist:
Woke defines the world as nothing more than an arena of power. All are at war with all for dominance. The defined dominant class is at war with everybody else. Every institution, norm, faith, history, and tradition—every human endeavor—is a deliberate instrument of oppression by the dominant class.
Woke defines the dominant class as ‘white supremacy.’ Everyone else is a victim. Everything existing is fair game to be destroyed.
Woke is totalitarian.
There are no innocents; there are no neutrals; nothing is non-political; everything is either an instrument of oppression or an instrument of struggle.
For the defined victim class, all are permitted. For the oppressor class, any attack is fair game.
Within this ideology—secular religion—there is the doctrine of “intersectionality.”
This means there are other classes of victims that have hitched a ride along with race.
And not all these hitchhikers are equal.
The true motivation of this religion is power, not an idealistic desire to improve the world.
Like the Maoist Red Guards that upended China, the woke believers use their religion to empower themselves by pulling down anyone and anything that catches their attention.
Students destroy their teachers; players destroy their coaches; colleges pull down statues of their founders.
Like Mao’s China, it’s a Cultural Revolution led by power-drunk fanatics. The object is power.
This religion is growing and militantly crusades to extend its power. Through explicit evangelical institutions such as ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ initiatives, its true believers have been given power within organizations.
So, above are the broad principles. Now, can we get this down to a brief 25 words or less?
Here is a try:
Woke means an intolerant, revolutionary, collectivist ideology of power that’s at war with all society and demands submission. And yes, it is explicitly racist.
And we individually either submit or prepare to fight because they will indeed try to destroy each of us. There is no compromise, no middle ground.
Remember: To the Woke, it IS a religion. They are high on power—they are the equivalent of the Holy Inquisition. And We the People are the suspected heretics.
But if we submit, their boot is on our faces forever, and if we fight, sometimes we win. And there are many many more of us than there are of them—and We the People are damn disgusted and preparing to fight.
God speed to Conservatism and God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.