At this point, if we wanted to tell a story of how bad Joe-Joe Biden has been, we have much from which to choose including this most recent tale about what he has done to himself with this ‘classified documents’ scandal.
This from redstate.com.
As bad as Joe-Joe has been, it is hard to believe that Braindead Biden has been leaving classified documents everywhere, even in a garage next to his Corvette.
This seems too suspicious and begs the question, ‘Why now?’
Actually, why is his staff pulling these “hidden” classified documents out for disclosure at this time? The documents have been kept hidden well for so long. Why now divulge them?
Afterall, the communist/globalist party apparatus have taken everything Joe-Joe and The Regime accused:
President Trump of (without the excuse of being president, the Presidential Records Act, and being able to declassify things) and made it stupid—including with a handy-dandy cover-up on top of it all, by not telling us about finding the documents starting two months ago.
I venture to say–Joe-Joe is no longer a useful tool.
His liability factor has greatly overcome his asset factor.
Yes, I’m talking 25th Amendment action time, specifically Section 4:
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Joe-Joe must be put out to pasture, and better they 25th-Amendment him than to have him impeached for various and sundry charges, to include his version of ‘hiding the classified.’
Removal of Joe-Joe, of course, raises another interesting question, ‘What about Kamala?’
The airhead—selected to be Joe-Joe’s running mate due only to her gender package and her caramel-colored skin tone—must not be elevated beyond her current Peter Principle position of masquerade Veep.
Now, back to the humor of this entire episode. No one can quite sum up a situation like Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA):
“I find all of this surreal.”
The powers that be have known about Pres. Biden’s classified documents since Nov. 2nd—it’s now the middle of January.
I have some questions. pic.twitter.com/cVDzdTpVh7
— John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) January 12, 2023
Kennedy observed it was a bit:
[L]ike watching a Quentin Tarantino movie, and that if it wasn’t for double standards, there wouldn’t be any standards at all.
Kennedy believes the Attorney General had to appoint a special counsel as he did earlier on Thursday:
I’m not sure he had a choice.
He continued:
The White House has tried, and the White House doesn’t have enough hazmat suits to clean up this mess.
Kennedy noted that aside from the fact that the Justice Department is investigating President Trump for something Joe-Joe Biden “may have done,” there are a lot of other “intriguing questions” to be answered. He listed four of them:
Number one: Was there a cover-up? Uh, uh, the powers that be have known about this since Nov. 2. It’s now the middle of January. Was there a cover-up? Who was involved?
Number two: What’s the role of the University of Pennsylvania Biden Center in all of this? The Penn Biden Center is not some normal Ivy League think tank.
Kennedy explained that it was a D.C. “hangout, a clubhouse” for Joe Biden and his people.
He then spoke about the tens of millions of dollars from China.
Now, the University has gotten millions from China, the Penn Biden Center has denied that it got funding from China, but we also haven’t seen where they got their funding from. So, that’s a good question to pursue, particularly when there are concerns about who might have had access to the documents when they were at the Penn Biden Center.
Kennedy continued:
Number three: What’s the role of the National Archives in all this?
He made the great point that the National Archives was very vocal when it came to Trump, but in this case, hasn’t made any public statements.
Are we seeing once again a ‘two-tiered system of justice’ and a reaction only when it pertains to a Republican as opposed to a [
Kennedy said they’ve been:
[M]issing in action here. You couldn’t have found them with a search party. We still haven’t heard from them.
Kennedy’s fourth question:
[D]id any member of Congress know about this?
He said he didn’t know, and:
[He’d] like to know why [he] didn’t.