Hillary Clinton, who is about the most useless person on the planet, is exceedingly wealthy and famous. Despite her unearned wealth and undeserved fame, she always plays the victim, saying sexism has devastated her. Perhaps feeling that her “poor old me” routine is getting stale, she is now claiming everything is sexist including COVID-19, global warming, and the war in Ukraine.
Forbes magazine hosted something called a 30/50 summit in Abu Dahbi. There is no information about the purpose of this but it featured a bunch of bitter old women so it must some kind of bitch-fest. Joining Hillary were radical feminist Gloria Steinem, lesbian tennis player Billie Jean King, Ukraine first lady Olena Zelenska, and Forehead Joe’s cranky wench, Mika Brzezinsk.
Hillary kicked things off by blaming a virus for attacking women:
“We have been dramatically set back by two things. By COVID, which had a disproportionate impact on women and girls around the world,” said Hillary.
She never named the second thing that has set women back, but claiming a virus that didn’t discriminate between the sexes went after females exclusively was funny enough.
Hillary continued her unintended comedy routine with this punchline:
“I’m so glad that Olena Zelenska is here because women are, women and children are the primary victims of conflict and of climate change and there is no place that unfortunately, tragically, shows us that more dramatically than Ukraine today,” Hillary said.
Cool buzzword salad, bro. She just threw a bunch lefty biting points together in hopes of sounding relevant. What the hell does the war in Ukraine have to do with climate change. Or for that matter, how does it explain how women and children are the primary victims of anything?
It seems to me that most of the people dying in the Ukraine war are men. You know, just like any other war. Are women and children on the front lines? I doubt it. As for climate change, just like COVID-19, it doesn’t discriminate. It also doesn’t exist, so it would be hard for it to only go after women and children.
Hillary punctuated this nonsense with a vague and empty gesture to stop global sexism:
“So I think the bottom line is we have a lot of work to do. And we can’t take any of the progress that has been made for granted,” said Hillary.
Oh yeah? What kind of work is Hillary doing to make COVID-19, global warming, and war more equitable? The only work she does is to benefit herself. Well that, and killing mothers*ckers who stand in her way.
Which brings up a good point: The victims of the Clinton Body Count are primarily men. There are ver few women and children who have been “suicided” because they knew too much about Bill and Hillary’s criminal enterprise. If Hillary truly wanted to make things equal for women, she’d start murdering some females to get those numbers even.
While all of this seems like Hillary is pleading for the plight of woman around the world, in reality it is more of her victim game. She’s saying, “life is so unfair to women and I am a woman, so pity me.” If the system was sexist, surely it would have stopped an unremarkable piece of shit like Hillary Clinton from becoming so rich and famous.