When Donald Trump was President, The Washington Post kept a running tally of the “lies” he told, which were actually just differences of opinion, claiming he lied tens of thousands of times. Joe Biden is the most full of crap person to ever occupy the White House, but the liberal media can’t be bothered to fact-check him. Once again, Joe has claimed to be a mighty civil rights warrior and the fake news ignored it completely.
On Sunday, Biden was in Alabama to celebrate his self-proclaimed status as the blackest white boy who ever lived. In a speech before the Edmond Pettus Bridge, the site of an important civil rights march he didn’t participate in, the illegitimate president let everyone know how important his fictional contribution to the cause was.
But first, Joe need to get some incoherence out of the way.
“Folks, look uh, there’s a lot to say and Imma try not to say very much,” said Biden.
If only that were true. The very next line out of his mouth was probably something he should have tried not to say.
“It was mentioned that we should be working for the people of Africa,” Biden said.
Oh yeah? Who has mentioned that?
“With unflinching courage, foot soldiers for march for justice march,” said Biden.
And then Joe tried to claim he was a foot soldier for march for justice march:
“I was a student up North in the civil rights movement. I remember feeling how guilty I was, I wah-dent here. How could we all be up there and you going through what you went through, looking at those, I can still picture still picture troopers with their batons, wands and whips,” said Biden.
Obviously, Joe is lying about being apart of the civil rights movement, because he has admitted he was never involved, but this lie comes with the added fantasy that he saw cops armed with wands, as if they were all graduate of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Just last week, Biden lied that he worked to end segregation, saying, “When you’re involved in the civil rights movement as a kid in high school, I used to go down to the black church. I used to go to 7:30 mass, I’m a practicing Catholic, the I go ta ten o’clock and we sit and we plan what we’re going to do in terms of desegra, you think I’m joking, I’m not.”
And he told this lie at a hate crime summit: “As my friends in the movement, the civil rights movement know that I got involved in politi because of civil rights as a kid.”
Then there was that time he spoke to 12 people and delivered this lie: “Whah know what happen was, about mid-way through my, I would got elected to, I got very engaged, in my case in the civil rights movement.”
He also made up this alternate history when he lied to kids at an HBCU about getting arrested for his civil rights activities: “I did not walk in the shoes of generations of students who walked these grounds but I walked other grounds ’cause I’m so damn old I was there as well. You think I’m kidding, man. Seems like yesterday the first time I got arrested.”
And there was that time he lied to Jewish leaders about his civil rights activism: I used to think, coming out of the civil rights movement and being involved in the Jewish community as kid in the civil rights movement, um in Delaware, I used to think that hate could be defeated.”
Which was all conveniently fact-checked by Biden himself, when he was busted for lying about his civil rights activism in 1987:
“During the ’60s I was in fact very concerned about the civil rights movement. I was not an activist. I worked an an all-black swimming pool in the East side of Wilmington, Delaware. I was involved. I was involved with what they were thinking, what they were feeling. I was involved but I was not out marching. I was not down in Selma. I was not anywhere else. I was a suburbanite kid who got a dose of exposure to what was happening to black Americans in my own city,” Biden said.
BTW, when Joe was in Alabama, he crossed the Edmond Pettus bridge with Al Sharpton as way to punctuate his race-hustling grift. I wonder how much money Joe gave Rev. Al to get his seal of approval for lying about his civil rights activism.