When Joe Biden latches on to a lie, nothing can pry it loose from his wilting brain. He spent most of last year claiming that Republican want to cut Social Security, and even after getting fat-checked by the liberal media, kept on telling that lie. Now, he’s trying to convince people that MAGA Republicans want to defund the police, which is democratic party territory all the way.
Last week, Biden was speaking at the Finishing Trades Institute in Philadelphia and pulled this out of his ass:
“MAGA Republicans are calling for defunding the police department and defunding the FBI now,” said Biden, adding sarcastically, “That’s a good one. I like that.”
It’s a good one in that it’s complete bullshit. Speaking of which, Biden kept shoveling it on this week when he spoke at the site of an elderly Asian-caused mass shooting in Monterey Park, California on Tuesday:
Biden: “Congressional Republicans should pass my budget instead of calling [for] defunding the police.” pic.twitter.com/YpAlG7Kq3d
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 14, 2023
“Congressional Republicans should pass my budget instead of calling for cuts in these services or defunding the police or abolishing the FBI, as we hear from our MAGA Republican friends,” Biden said.
Since no Republican is calling to defund the police, I guess there’s no reason to pass Biden’s budget. Also, his budget has trillions in tax hikes, so there’s another reason not to pass it.
That’s two times in about a week where Biden claims that Republicans want to defund the police, so this is what his handlers have fed him to spread like manure. In reality, it’s the democrats who support defunding the police and even Biden is in on it. He is always saying, that police officers should be replaced by social workers, which is an aspect of the defund the police movement. It’s also dumb as shit.
What Biden is trying to do is conflate municipal police department with the corrupt FBI, which some Republicans have called for defunding. There was a time when the FBI was interested in fighting crime, but now all they do is pretend to be white supremacists and entrap honest citizens in crazy plots. Actually, the FBI also goes after Biden’s enemies as well as pro-life Christian groups. The point is, the FBI are not police and they don’t do anything to arrest actual criminals.
Defunding the police is about taking cops off the streets, because leftists say it’s racist for officers to arrest black people for crimes that they have committed. Abolishing the FBI is about getting rid of a corrupt government agency that targets law-abiding American citizens for their political affiliations. One of these things makes people less safe and the other makes them more safe. It’s no wonder the democrats want less cops and more fascist enforcement.
It’s also not a shock that Biden wants to preserve the FBI in their current state, because any credible federal law enforcement agency would have put him and his crackhead son behind bars long ago.