It’s no secret that democrats communists/globalists are looking for new ways to undermine the Supreme Court.
This from thepatriotjournal.com.
Leftists have long tried to “pack” the court, to erase Trump’s conservative majority. That is unlikely to happen, with senators like Joe Manchin around. So, the radical left is devising another way to nullify the strong, conservative lean of the highest court in the land.
The irony abounds here—the court exists as an equal branch of government yet the Left within congress seek to diminish the power of the right-leaning Supreme Court.
These liberals are throwing the Constitution out the window, to ensure their extremist agenda under the Obiden Regime goes off without a hitch. And one leftist group is proposing a move that could shut out certain justices.
From MSN:
A proposal by outside interest groups for the Supreme Court to adopt could thrust Justice Clarence Thomas and his spouse, Ginni, further into the political limelight.
The proposed guidelines from so-called independent government watchdog Project on Government Oversight and Lawyers Defending American Democracy would put in place “more stringent guidelines for recusal.”
According to a recent NPR report:
The guidelines would be so strict that if they were in effect last year, it may have prevented the high court’s eldest Republican-appointed justice, Thomas, from participating in a case involving the release of Trump administration records to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol [protest].
The left would love nothing more than to further politicize our court system.
This “independent government watchdog” group wants the highest court in the land to adopt a rule that would force justices to recuse themselves on any cases based on the conduct of their spouses or “close family members.”
Without a doubt, this new “model” ethics code is designed to sideline Conservative Justices. Specifically, this is a means of preventing Justice Thomas from engaging in crucial cases. They are targeting him because his wife is an outspoken Republican and supporter of the party. There could be many cases that radical leftists would demand Thomas’s recusal, simply because his wife Ginni has said something about a related issue.
This “recommendation” has little to do with the justices’ ability to objectively rule on a case. This radical group is accusing justices of being unable to be impartial, because of their spouses. Never mind that the Left never worry about that when many of their spouses work in private-sector companies regulated by Congress.
We the People can easily read from what little information we’ve been given that subjective interpretation will be involved when deciding which justice will be forced to choose recusal. And we can be certain there will always be a string of excuses why a Liberal justice does not require recusal and a string of reasons why a Conservatice justice must recuse him/herself.
Final thought: This idiotic proposed new rule is a far stretch of the imagination—even the communist/globalist imagination.
But there is a silver lining here—this new rule would go into effect only if accepted by the Supreme Court. And it is unlikely the court will embrace a rule from some independent group. Which way, however, will the compromised Justice Roberts swing on this?