San Francisco, California, a place that never had slavery, want to use the money of taxpayers, who never owned slaves, to pay out slavery reparations. The city is supporting a plan that would give $5 million per eligible person, plus a lot of other costly perks like free housing, guaranteed income, and wiping out debt. That sound you hear is every white person moving out of SF and blacks from across the country rushing in.
NBC reports on the consequence of guilty white liberalism:
Payments of $5 million to every eligible Black adult, the elimination of personal debt and tax burdens, guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years and homes in San Francisco for just $1 a family.
These were some of the more than 100 recommendations made by a city-appointed reparations committee tasked with the thorny question of how to atone for centuries of slavery and systemic racism. And the San Francisco Board of Supervisors hearing the report for the first time Tuesday voiced enthusiastic support for the ideas listed, with some saying money should not stop the city from doing the right thing.
So, they get a house for a buck, a $5 million check, $97,000 a year, and all debt wiped out? Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, but who is going to pay for it? According to Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, “it would cost each non-Black family in the city at least $600,000.”
Talk about a redistribution of wealth scheme. Actually, that estimate of cost seems mighty low because, as was already mentioned, if this plan goes through, non-black people will leave the city in droves, while blacks looking for a free ride will flood in. There will be no one to pay for this, and more people with their hand out than anticipated.
Because NBC is a shameless liberal media fake news outlet, they promoted this as a good idea that only evil conservatives could be against:
A controversial draft reparations proposal that includes a $5 million lump-sum payment for each eligible Black person could make San Francisco the first major U.S. city to fund reparations, though the plan faces strong criticism from conservatives. https://t.co/RolbRXj8Xe
— NBC News (@NBCNews) March 15, 2023
OMG! Strong criticism from conservatives? Those racist bastards!
Wait, are there any conservatives in San Francisco, and if so, are they in charge of the government? If you read the article, it turns out it isn’t the conservatives who opposed this, but the liberal Fruit Loops who live there:
Several supervisors said they were surprised to hear pushback from politically liberal San Franciscans apparently unaware that the legacy of slavery and racist policies continues to keep Black Americans on the bottom rungs of health, education and economic prosperity, and overrepresented in prisons and homeless populations.
In liberal media-speak, “pushback from liberal San Franciscans” equals “strong criticism from conservatives.”
In a way, it would be fun to see the board of supervisions approve this, just to watch the sheer chaos it would create. Do you think Nancy Pelosi is going to pony up $600,000 just so black people can move into her neighborhood? Hell no, that’s why she bought a mansion in Florida, she intends to get the f*ck out before it all goes to shit.