Behind the malfeasance of the Obiden Regime, the communist/globalist cabal is on a wild spree bent on shutting down the rights of We the People.
This from thepatriotjournal.com.
Many states have fought to push back on the left’s socialist scheme. And many of those fights have been decided by federal courts.
Our nation’s top courts have scored numerous wins for American citizens. But the battles keep raging, as the left tries to strip away every last trace of our liberty and values. A critical case was just brought before a three-judge panel on the Sixth Circuit.
And the Court shut down the insidious leftist ban.
From Breitbart:
A three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit ruled Tuesday the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) bump stock ban is ‘ambiguous’ and reversed a lower court’s ruling that upheld the ban.
A Kentucky resident, Scott Hardin, sued the ATF after Donald Trump introduced a bump stock ban. The ban was pushed after the Las Vegas shooting, which the media used to whip up a frenzy against the firearm accessory.
The ATF moved to enforce the ban, which would have forced law-abiding citizens like Hardin to give up this device, perhaps even their entire firearm.
Bump stocks are often used by disabled Americans, including veterans injured while deployed, so they too can exercise their Second Amendment rights.
A lower court rejected Hardin’s case, so he appealed to the Sixth Circuit. The court ruled that the ATF’s ban on ‘machine guns’ was too ambiguous to apply to bump stocks.
Most firearm experts will argue that bump stocks do not turn rifles into “machine guns” and the rule was wrong.
The decision doesn’t fully end the controversy. But it does allow the case to continue until a final resolution is made.
This is a win for law-abiding Americans who are fighting
to prevent massive government overreach and abuse.
But, as usual, the battle will never be over. Vigilant citizens must always push back, whenever a government pulls these kinds of stunts.