Have you heard about the new Fox News TV series—Two Spoiled Brats and a Clueless RINO—detailing the lives of the two useless liberal Rupert Murdoch sons and the Fox News hapless, clueless, bitter Paul Ryan?
This from Wayne Allyn Root on survivethenews.com.
Disclaimer: No self-respecting conservative can verify any truth to the Spoiled and Clueless series rumor because none of us will ever tune into Fox again, but the story may very well be picked up by the Babylon Bee.
Fox News in a matter of days ended relationships with the #1 host on cable TV (Tucker Carlson) and the #1 host of weekend cable TV (Dan Bongino).
Sure, the three pending Dominion lawsuits—with more likely by shareholders against the Murdochs and the board of directors—are at least in part behind Fox News’ recent actions, not to mention the recent 800 million dollar settlement.
And why Rupert Murdoch chose to fall on his sword rather than fight Dominion will eventually come out too.
But let’s analyze the Fox News leadership, then we’ll get to the possible reasons behind these idiotic decisions.
Rupert Murdoch is a very old, out-of-touch, billionaire who is now semi-retired and busy trying to marry gals thirty years younger. He has put the real control of FNC into the hands of his son Lachlan (with ultra-liberal son James always lurking in the shadows). These are kids that were born on third base and think they hit a triple.
The Murdoch boys are European bred and understand zero about how real American conservative patriots think. That might not be a big deal…
The indication is Lachlan, the clueless European spoiled-brat, pressured former GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan to tell him how to run Fox News and how to appeal to conservatives. What a disastrous decision.
Paul Ryan is a clueless Deep State RINO who has no idea how real conservative patriots think. His life is dedicated to destroying President Trump- because Paul Ryan is blind with rage and envy at how conservatives hate him, but love and adore President Trump.
This gaggle of idiots have destroyed Fox News. They don’t realize it yet, but their whole audience is running for the exits.
The formerly all-powerful “king of cable” Fox News Channel is now The Titanic [upon] the iceberg.
Think of what destroyed Bed, Bath & Beyond.
The company made one fatal decision:
to fire Mike Lindell and stop selling “My Pillow” products.
What a terrible miscalculation.
Their audience was middle class America. The Silent Majority. That audience is overwhelmingly conservative. From the moment they fired “My Pillow” their sales imploded. Bed, Bath & Beyond committed economic suicide by offending their own base of customers.
And this is exactly what Fox News has done.
So, why did Fox News fire Tucker (and also Dan Bongino)?
Note: Wayne Allyn Root recently published The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book, which is about the huge divide in America.
He believes conservative patriots must start building a parallel conservative economy—to separate from the extreme, radical, madness and destruction of the left—to spend our money only with companies led by conservatives—and to punish and defund the left.
Root’s book is also about the main issues that the Silent Majority and real conservatives care about:
1. The communist takeover of the USA…and along with it, the weaponization of government.
2. Rigged and stolen elections (the hallmark of communism).
3. The Covid vaccine disaster- the deaths and crippling injuries from this poison vaccine, and the coverup by Big Pharma, government and the mainstream media.
4. The fraud and corruption of the Ukraine war funding and how the Deep State is leading us into World War 3.
Fox News doesn’t want to talk about those issues. Fox News is scared to death of those issues. Root’s book went to #1 bestseller without one FNC interview. FNC has banned Wayne Allyn Root and they told him his columns were no longer welcome either. A real conservative patriot is no longer allowed on FNC.
The above-listed issues happen to be the issues that Tucker Carlson talked about nonstop. Tucker understands how real conservative patriots think. So does Dan Bongino. That’s why they both had to go.
And the final decision about firing Tucker was based on his commentary just a few days ago about the dangers and deaths from the Covid vaccine…and how mainstream media is responsible for taking bribes (i.e. hundreds of millions in advertising sales) from Big Pharma to cover-up the biggest healthcare scandal in human history.
Think about how many of their own loyal viewers
may have died because Fox News covered up the truth.
Note: James O’Keefe of Project Veritas exposed and humiliated scores of liberals with his undercover videos for many years—and he never faced any repercussions. But as soon as his undercover videos exposed the alleged corruption and deception of Pfizer and the Covid vaccine, his own Board fired him within days.
What is the common denominator between O’Keefe and Carlson? Exactly.
Come out against Big Pharma, expose the vaccine dangers, and suddenly your job (no matter how successful you are) evaporates overnight. That’s the power and hold Big Pharma has on the media.
Many are confident Fox News is finished. The one unanswered question is, into what will they metamorphosis?
If Fox News is acquired by Pfizer, the true sycophants and brain-dead liberals would continue to tune in, but would the drug maker eventually be forced financially to pull the plug?
Final thoughts: We the People are continuously honing our skills. And the appearance is we have another boycott to attend to. Enjoy.
God speed to Conservatism and God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.