Before George Floyd died of a drug overdose/heart attack in police custody, people had the right to defend themselves from violent criminals, including black ones. Now? Not so much because guilty white liberals are determined to make it up to the black community for hundreds of years of democratic party racism. A white 88-year-old store owner in the Nashville area shot a black thug that was attempting to steal from her and threatened her. In the post-Floyd era, she was arrested and charged with aggravated assault.
The Charlotte Observer reports that 88-year-old May Boyce owns a liquor store in Murfreesboro Pike, TN. Last Tuesday, there was an incident:
Boyce, who owns Murfreesboro Road Liquor and Wines, told investigators two Black men entered her store June 16 and walked behind the counter where the vodka was located, according to an affidavit…She said one of the men approached her “in a manner that she knew” he was going to steal from her.
That’s when Boyce says she grabbed her gun and placed it on the counter, according to police.
One of the men asked for brown liquor and the other grabbed a few bottles, Boyce told police, according to the affidavit.
Boyce confronted the bottle-grabbing man, identified as Ramon Fisher, according to her account to police.
Fisher “lunged” at her and ran toward the store’s exit, Boyce said.
“Ms. Boyce stated that she pointed the gun towards the ground, in the victim’s direction, and fired once. The victim yelled out that he had been shot and fell into a stack of bottles,” said authorities.
This is already a justified shooting. The scumbag was trying to steal liquor and lunged at an 88-year-old woman. She can’t possibly be expected to defend herself against a young black thug with her grandma-fu. Thankfully a firearm is the great equalizer.
Fisher’s homey scooped him up and took him to the hospital, where he further justified the shooting:
Police caught up with Fisher at Vanderbilt Hospital, where he told police he was under the influence of drugs and alcohol at the time and said he and his friend went to the store to steal liquor, the affidavit says.
The next day, after he sobered up, Fischer changed his story and claimed he intended to pay of the liquor. It doesn’t explain why he went behind the counter to grab the bottles or why he tried to attack an elderly woman, but cops nowadays are willing to give black criminals the benefit of the doubt so May Boyce was arrested and charged with aggravated assault.
Boyce bonded out of jail and was back to work the next day. According to the NY Post, she has been robbed and assaulted numerous times and doesn’t regret shooting Fischer one bit.
“I did what I had to do, and I hope word gets out on the street that I’m fed up and I’m not taking it anymore. You’ve got to stick up for yourself sometimes,” said Boyce.
Boyce said she used her late mother’s .38 snubnose and that she had never shot a gun before that day.
“I never shot a gun before but I guess it’s something that comes natural. I aimed at the floor to scare him,” Boyce said.
Boyce wears a brace on her arm from a robbery/assault two months ago. She says she will no longer be a victim.
“I did what I had to do. After you’ve been played for a fool by people stealin’ from you for years, you get fed up. And don’t put me in the category of a little old lady. I know how to take care of myself,” said Boyce.
Tennessee has a “stand your ground” law which means Boyce had no duty to retreat. She was completely justified in shooting a scumbag thief who menaced her. But that was before George Floyd, so now she was arrested and the criminal got off scot-free.