The left is busy dunking on President Trump because there were empty seats at his Tulsa, Oklahoma rally Saturday night. They are also bragging that they sabotaged his rally by making fake ticket requests, keeping actual Trump supporters from attending. You don’t get to say, “Ha ha, you had empty seats” when you are responsible for subterfuge that caused those empty seats in the first place. This isn’t a sick burn on Trump, it’s merely an admission that the left has to cheat to win and that their interpretation of winning is sad.
Trump held a rally at the BOK Center in Tulsa on Saturday night. The area holds around 19,000 and was reportedly only two-thirds full, which means there was around 13,000 happy Trump fans in attendance. Considering there is a pandemic going on as well as leftist violence, that’s not bad. Still, the Trump campaign was expecting more and that’s because leftist put together a plot to sabotage the event.
The NY Post explains:
Social media was abuzz Saturday night with claims that President Trump opponents, many of them teenagers and K-Pop fans, guaranteed that hundreds, even thousands of seats for the Tulsa rally remained empty — by bulk “reserving” tickets they had no intention of using.
A loosely-organized campaign on TikTok included Trump opponents of all ages — including one calling herself “#TikTokGrandma.”
“Go reserve tickets now and leave him standing there alone on the stage, what do you say?” she urged.
She advised that the Trump campaign was allowing reservations for two free tickets per cell phone number.
“When you register you have to give them your cell phone number,” she said in a video.
“They send you a code, you put the code in, and your tickets are reserved for you.”
Afraid you’ll get deluged with annoying Trump campaign texts? Not to worry, she advised.
“Once you text “stop” they have to stop texting you, that’s the law” she said.
Plus this piece of shit:
Political strategist and avowed Trump opponent Steve Schmidt claimed his 16-year-old daughter and her pals together purchased “hundreds of tickets.”
“I’m dead serious when I say this. The teens of America have struck a savage blow against [President Trump],” Schmidt said.
Even though there was a coordinated leftist effort to sabotage this rally, smug asswipe democrats thought they were dunking on President Trump for the less-than-capacity crowd:
Actually you just got ROCKED by teens on TikTok who flooded the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations & tricked you into believing a million people wanted your white supremacist open mic enough to pack an arena during COVID
Shout out to Zoomers. Y’all make me so proud.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) June 21, 2020
Why so many empty seats at the #TrumpsCoronavirusRally?
A. Seeing @POTUS is not worth dying
B. @realDonaldTrump’s base shrank so much they can’t even fill an arena in a red state
C. Campaign lied about how many people got tickets
D. Knives Out is now available on Amazon Prime https://t.co/R7juOjiNXn
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) June 21, 2020
This is President Trump’s Fyre Fest. pic.twitter.com/USYQ6e94gM
— David Cicilline (@davidcicilline) June 20, 2020
The last time I saw a crowd this small was Trump’s Inauguration https://t.co/iTxRdgnvdv
— US Rep Brendan Boyle (@RepBrendanBoyle) June 20, 2020
As you can see, most of these democrats are using pictures from before everyone got in, which makes their attempted mocking even more pathetic.
While we’re judging presidential candidates’ worth on crowd size, let’s check in on Joe Biden’s latest rally:
So that’s 1 for Joe and 13,000 for Trump. I can see why democrats are mocking the President. Clearly he doesn’t have the rabid base of support as Joe ‘Hairy Legs” Biden.
What this Tulsa nonsense means is that it is now fair game to make fake ticket requests to sabotage a presidential candidate’s rally. Not like Biden was ever going to fill an arena, but the next time he speaks in a school gymnasium, there will only be 12 people in attendance because the other 25 seats will be fake tickets.