It’s pretty much the rule that when police approach a large crowd, there is going to be screaming. The men and women in blue take it all in stride, but at times they must feel discouraged, disheartened, dismayed. It has to affect morale.
Outside the venue of last night’s Trump Rally, there was a crowd, and the crowd erupted at the approach of several Law Enforcement Officers. Take a look.
What a switch, right? Respect and honor and appreciation for America’s LEOs. It must have made those officers feel proud of the work they do. It must have made them feel grateful that some Americans still hold them in high esteem.
Are there some bad cops out there? Without a doubt; some real bad ones. But the bad ones are nowhere near in the majority. In fact, I’d guess that they are very few and far between.
Some cops bully. Some work with the criminal elements. Some abuse the power and authority that we the people have granted them. Some are radical leftists that support the radical, and sometimes illegal policies of their bosses (mayors, governors, etc.) Some swear an oath, and then promptly break that oath by enforcing unconstitutional laws, codes and ordinances.
But overall, our various police forces perform a vital service to our communities. They perform a difficult and often thankless task in the carrying out of their duties.
The media is quick to highlight the relatively rare instances of police misconduct and criminal behavior. The millions upon millions of interactions between the police and the public are taken for granted. But let one bad incident take place, and all hell breaks loose. In fact, an officer involved injury, shooting or altercation is often spun up by the media and by America haters just to cause mayhem. Criminals are turned into heroes.
The head of the Minneapolis police union says George Floyd’s “violent criminal history” needs to be remembered and that the protests over his death are the work of a “terrorist movement.”
“What is not being told is the violent criminal history of George Floyd. The media will not air this,” police union president Bob Kroll told his members in a letter.
In the case of George Floyd, a black man died during an arrest and restraint. He was unarmed. The officer may have been guilty of ignoring his training, of disregarding department policy, of a number of things.
Bottom line is, a felon, while under the influence of multiple illegal substances, and while committing a crime, decided to resist arrest and fight with law enforcement officials. He lost his life because the incident escalated. Guilt and punishment in the case of the officers involved will be determined by the courts, as it should be.
Conservative commentator Candace Owens lashed out at the emerging personality cult of George Floyd, whose death in Minneapolis first sparked protests and then riots.
“I do not support George Floyd and the media depiction of him as a martyr for black America,”
Noting that in recent years it has become “fashionable over the last five or six years for us to turn criminals into heroes overnight. It is something I find despicable.”
But the George Floyd incident was by no means unique. Thousands of crimes and thousands of arrests take place every day, all around the world. Hundreds of black men are murdered every year, the vast majority by other black men. What made this one special? Simply the fact that the “forces of evil” in the world saw this as a good case to exploit. And exploit it they did. Media personalities. Politicians. Entertainment personalities. Radical leftists. Race hustlers. Those that fund worldwide chaos and unrest and anarchy.
List of 206 organizations funded by George Soros:
And so here we are. We’re watching Western Civilization being attacked and torn down and destroyed. And we’re seeing the Thin Blue Line, the LINE of defense between a system of law and one of lawlessness, being assaulted verbally, physically, mentally and emotionally. We need to back that Blue Line if our nation is to survive.